Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: God's Special Children

Keeping It Real: My granddaughter Ashyla and I were watching TV and they had a mentally retarded/challenged child on a program! She asks, "what is wrong with him?" I told her, sometimes God makes children extra special, giving them stardom at birth, so they can be noticed right away! She says, "what about me?, I want to be special"! I said, you want to be a SuperModel, which means, you are going to have to work and earn your stardom. It doesn't mean God loves you any less, it just means He KNOWS who will be strong & who needs that extra special attention when they are born! Ya Dig?..


  1. Love the way you put that Sis.


    1. Thanks Tash, she ask questions about everything! She is her mother all over again and I love it! :)
