Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: Eye On The Prize....

Keeping It Real: Some people laugh, while some cry. Some prosper, while some barely get by. Some people are in the pen, while others don't have a pot to pee in. Some people beg every single day, while others say, "Today just ain't my day." Some people love to sin, while others repent, and say, "CHRIST lives within." Some people say, "I'm not ready to come to CHRIST," while others say, "The LORD gives me sight." Through all of life's ups and downs, GOD don't want us to complain nor frown. For many are called, however some go astray, while the few stand tall, and do things GOD'S WAY. For Heaven is our prize, that only a few will see, while others will kneel in distress, and cry out, "What about ME?"Ya Dig?..

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