Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Celebs & Jail...

When they sent Mike Tyson to jail years ago for supposedly raping a woman in HIS hotel room, I thought was a joke at 1st! Do I believe Mike raped the woman?, HELL NO! My momma always said AIN'T NOTHING OPENED UP AFTER 3 A.M. BUT LEGS!! It was cool for ole girl to go to his hotel room in the early am and let Mike do some ORAL sex on her and just because in my honest opinion, he didn't give her the respect of walking her ass out of the hotel room to her car, she cried rape! But, that's my opinion! Moving on...

Then they sent the Kennedy man to jail, I was like "Kennedy"???? Descendants of the President of USA??

I knew it was the beginning of the end for free rides and get out of jail free cards for celebrities and or famous folks! Can I say "IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME?"

Why should they be above the law and get away with shit that everyday folks have to spend time and money trying to get out of? What is wrong with this picture? They have the means, but get a free pass? That ain't right!

Let me name a few instances that says the government is sick and tired of giving them passes and placing them above the law...I mentioned Mike, and the Kennedy Nephew..Martha Stewart, the whitest of white folks! "wtf"..All she did was get a hook-up on her stocks, Foxy Brown,  Irv Gotti, Paris Hilton (now this really threw me for a loop) Paris??? "wtf"..Don't her parents own all the Hilton hotels?, Bobby Brown, he needs to go to jail just for that lousy ass show he had on and also for always appearing on TV with his mouth crooked! LOL, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Ritchie (maybe she might eat if they lock her up), TI ( now from what I read, he could have started his own military group with the guns he had) LOL, P Diddy-Puffy Sean Combs (maybe he WILL stop trying to sing  on all his client's songs geesh!), Katt Williams ( he knows he is too small and pretty to go to jail), Snoop Dogg "well" LOL, Lil Wayne (me love him), Britney Spears, she should have went to rehab, and last but not least, Lil Kim, a soldier who was only doing what her momma and all mothers over the world tell their children everyday, DON'T BE A TATTLETALE!! LOL

Celebs, it's time to get your act together, because there's a new sheriff in town and he/she is called Ain't Taking Your Shit Anymore and Your Money Means Not A Damn Thing "JUDGES"! If you break the law, there's a cell ( not a phone either) and your own personal inmate number waiting on your ass! Ya Dig?..


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