Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lesson Of The Day: Oh, Because You Are Famous....

Keeping It Real: PLEASE quit using your "stardom" as a gateway to other avenues of entertainment! If you are an actor & KNOW YOU CAN'T SING, WHY TRY? Oh, because you are famous, it suddenly gave you a voice? If you are a singer & KNOW YOU CAN'T ACT, WHY TRY? Oh, because you are famous, it suddenly made you think you could win an Oscar? If you are an actor or singer & KNOW YOU CAN'T SPELL & ONLY book you ever was really interested in was the TV GUIDE, WHY WRITE A BOOK? Oh, because you are famous, you thought you would make book of the month list? 

I believe some celebrities use their status as a way of getting over on their fans! Just because you have made it in one area, doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage in another. Some celebs need to stay in their lanes! Ya Dig?...

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