Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lesson Of The Day: Friendship...

Keeping It Real: A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone to treasure.

For friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with Beauty, Joy and Grace and makes the world we live in a better and happier place!
They are there for you when times are good and bad! They help you pick up the pieces. They DO NOT under any circumstances talk about you negatively to anybody and if a true friend, does not allow negative words to be said about you with out speaking up!
GOOD friends are hard to come by, when they do, you hold on tight! Ya Dig?..

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are hard to come by and that's why I am so thankful and blessed to have friends like you.
