Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: Hoarders

Keeping It Real: WHAT IN THE HAPPY HELL??? 

What person ALLOWS their family's house to get in that disarray? Some of these folks have accumulated shit OVER YEARS, what?, their family (mother, father, sisters, brothers, CHILDREN) do not come and VISIT? 

How can people allow cameras into their family homes and think it makes them (the hoarders) look bad!!!! UH NO, you the family member, should be so embarrassed  to have cameras on your mother and or father like that! It means, you are NOT visiting or helping out your parents the way a child or children should! 

This shit is unreal! 

I watched a few episodes and was so disgusted with the FAMILY, not the person because they CLEARLY have some kind of mental issue! One woman had 2 million USED ADULT diapers in her bathroom, all over the place! The people had to wear masks and still couldn't tolerate the stench! 

I feel like, when a person gets a certain age and health folks have to come in, they should hold the FAMILY MEMBERS ACCOUNTABLE!! Ya Dig?..

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