Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: BasketBall Wives (Evelyn Lozada)

Keeping It Real: Is she acting a DAMN FOOL for publicity? She has been into it with almost EVERYDAMNBODY on the show 'cept Shaunie! 

Me wonders, why she didn't go ham and hard on Tami's ass when they were into it? She never took off earrings, ran up on her, threw shit at her, jumped in her face, WHY??????, because she knew Tami would have gotten off in that ass, if she had!!! 

She is HOW OLD? and I wonder how in the hell does 85, excuse me,  I mean Ochocinco deal with her crazy ass! I can not believe that she doesn't act the same way with him behind the scenes!, especially when he has been out & about with his many "female" friends! 

She has gotten into an argument with every female except Shaunie on the show! Royce, Suzie, Kesha, Kenya, Tami, Meeka, Jen and she went hard on all the women 'cept Tami!! 

Mmmm hmmmm, she ain't hard, because if she was, Tami wouldn't have been an option or spared! All the other women just said words, Tami actually laid hands on her, so who do you think she should have pulled the earrings off for? Ya Dig?..

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