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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: Black/White Differences...

Keeping It Real: Why is it when a group of Black boys stand around, they are thugs, bangers & up to no good BUT when a group of White boys stand around, they are just hanging?

Why is it when a Black man kills several people, he is a criminal, gangbanger, low down & no good BUT when a White man kills several people, he is a serial killer and needs professional help?

Why is it called a ghetto mess when a neighborhood is ridden with drugs in a Black community BUT when drugs are running rapid in White communities, it is an epidemic?

Why is it when Black women get cosmetic surgery done, it is called trying to be White BUT when a White woman gets it done. ie: botox, booty implants, she is keeping up with fashion?

Why is it when Black girls get pregnant at a young age, they are lazy, ignorant and will be on welfare BUT when White girls do it, they get their own damn show, 16 and Pregnant? 

Mmmmmm Hmmmmmm Ya Dig?...

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