Keeping It Real: It's natural to want success to happen to you overnight! If you noticed, real happenings, makings & success is a journey! There may be plenty of obstacles that block your way, but that shouldn't deter you from grabbing the goals that you have set! HOPE will ALWAYS take you further than doubt! Ya Dig?..
Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Wake Up And Smell The Coffee!
Keeping It Real: Damn the coffee, get past the bacon and toast and wake up and smell the SUNSHINE!! Sometimes it has to be ALL ABOUT YOU!! It never hurts to take a little "ME" time! Do you!! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: "69" Economy Update
Keeping It Real: The sexual position, formerly known as the "69" will now be called the "96", due to the economy & inflation. It now costs more to eat out...Ya Dig?..
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Now what, Donald FRUMP????
Obama releases his birth certificate for your DUMB ASS to see and YES he said it was for the public, but it was REALLY for your BUTT-MUNCH (thanks Natasha Bell for that splendid description of him) ass!
Now what's up with releasing your tax statements like you have said in your interviews?
Obama releases his birth certificate for your DUMB ASS to see and YES he said it was for the public, but it was REALLY for your BUTT-MUNCH (thanks Natasha Bell for that splendid description of him) ass!
Now what's up with releasing your tax statements like you have said in your interviews?
Lesson Of The Day: Breasts & Butts As Profile Pictures
Keeping It Real: I have always wanted to know, when a female use their butts and or breasts as their profile picture and or avatar, does it mean, their ASS & BREASTS look BETTER than their FACE? Food for thought, Ya Dig?...
2 faced,
look better,
profile picture
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Donald Trump Boycott
There is a boycott going around to boycott Trump and everything he stands for! WHY?, because of statements he has made regarding our President Obama!
Me say his statements are just as ignorant as the statements that have, has and is still being made about his birth certificate, which by the way, government has already given the ok sign as real! If it wasn't, hell, he has been in the office for how long and has done what to our deficit?
I know President Obama laughs at some of these statements and probably could give a flying fuck what Trump is saying about him! Trump isn't the 1st to challenge our President about his birth rights and probably won't be the last!
As for Trump running for the Presidency, NOW WE ALL CAN HAVE A GOOD LAUGH IF HE DOES!! What, his VOTES WOULD BE FROM HIS Family members ONLY!! Again, I ask if any of the Celebs he asked on Apprentice about him running AND THEY SAID no way asshole, well not asshole, would he have fired them?
Trump is a joke and should be more concerned about fixing his hair!
Me say his statements are just as ignorant as the statements that have, has and is still being made about his birth certificate, which by the way, government has already given the ok sign as real! If it wasn't, hell, he has been in the office for how long and has done what to our deficit?
I know President Obama laughs at some of these statements and probably could give a flying fuck what Trump is saying about him! Trump isn't the 1st to challenge our President about his birth rights and probably won't be the last!
As for Trump running for the Presidency, NOW WE ALL CAN HAVE A GOOD LAUGH IF HE DOES!! What, his VOTES WOULD BE FROM HIS Family members ONLY!! Again, I ask if any of the Celebs he asked on Apprentice about him running AND THEY SAID no way asshole, well not asshole, would he have fired them?
Trump is a joke and should be more concerned about fixing his hair!
Lesson Of The Day: Yuck Mouth Man
Keeping It Real: Hahaha, a yuck mouth is a man whose main convo upon meeting you for the 1st time is about ORAL SEX! What he can and will do to your vajayjay!
Me, myself and I do not think the main topic of our conversation should be about licking my poonannnie and you don't even know my last name! Do I have a disease? Am I tramp? Am I clean? WHAT?? The yuck mouth man doesn't care as long as he can eat with no napkin and plate! Ya Dig?...
Me, myself and I do not think the main topic of our conversation should be about licking my poonannnie and you don't even know my last name! Do I have a disease? Am I tramp? Am I clean? WHAT?? The yuck mouth man doesn't care as long as he can eat with no napkin and plate! Ya Dig?...
Monday, April 25, 2011
Celebrity Apprentice 04/24/2011
Last night show was WILD!!! I hate they let Gary Busey go last week, but when the celebs joined the show, they knew each week, somebody would go home or BE FIRED!!
Me wonders, if one celeb would have raised their hand to Donald's question of him running or being President, would they have been fired?, because Donald would and could NEVER make a GREAT president, maybe a half-assed one! LOL
Meatloaf, kinda acted like Gary had been acting in the past! Hmmmmmm, could it have been Meatloaf all along? Food for thought!!!
BIG KUDOS to Latoya for standing her ground and telling slick ass Star about herself and I'm also happy that she and NeNe came to a happy medium! I thought, Holly should have been let go, instead of Latoya, Latoya was more vocal and helpful than she was! I loved, loved the way Latoya told Star about being slick and conniving and she pegged her just right!!!
NeNe Leakes tried to play the victim, like she was so hurt when Latoya said she wouldn't call her if she came to ATL!!! Come on now, you called the woman a bitch and said she looked like Casper and you expected her to reach out to you? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm glad that she and Latoya came to some common ground! I, too, agree with Nene about ASS KISSING!! I think she was wrong to involve Marlee, because I have never seen Marlee kiss anyone's ass throughout the season, she has always stood her ground BUT they do edit and we may not have saw those scenes!
Looking forward to next week's episode, NeNe is going to BE THE REAL NENE!
Me wonders, if one celeb would have raised their hand to Donald's question of him running or being President, would they have been fired?, because Donald would and could NEVER make a GREAT president, maybe a half-assed one! LOL
Meatloaf, kinda acted like Gary had been acting in the past! Hmmmmmm, could it have been Meatloaf all along? Food for thought!!!
BIG KUDOS to Latoya for standing her ground and telling slick ass Star about herself and I'm also happy that she and NeNe came to a happy medium! I thought, Holly should have been let go, instead of Latoya, Latoya was more vocal and helpful than she was! I loved, loved the way Latoya told Star about being slick and conniving and she pegged her just right!!!
NeNe Leakes tried to play the victim, like she was so hurt when Latoya said she wouldn't call her if she came to ATL!!! Come on now, you called the woman a bitch and said she looked like Casper and you expected her to reach out to you? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm glad that she and Latoya came to some common ground! I, too, agree with Nene about ASS KISSING!! I think she was wrong to involve Marlee, because I have never seen Marlee kiss anyone's ass throughout the season, she has always stood her ground BUT they do edit and we may not have saw those scenes!
Looking forward to next week's episode, NeNe is going to BE THE REAL NENE!
Lesson Of The Day: Death Penalty and Capital Punishment
Keeping It Real: They need to do away with the death penalty & capital punishment because we the people, never know, when the very system that is supposed to protect and serve and treat you innocently until proven guilty, DOESN'T!!! Sometimes, they leave out, make up and add shit just to make it more believable for the jury!
How many men/women have been exonerated from death row and how many men/women have our justice system killed that were innocent people?Ya Dig?...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Happy Easter
Keeping It Real: Jesus is the reason for this season, so let's have a Blessed day & feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus. Ya Dig?...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Men Asking Females To Keep It Real!
Keeping It Real: How are you going to ask a female to keep it real when the woman you have said it to, has fake hair=weave, blue eyes=which is a rarity in the Black community, fake hips, fake ass, butt implants and booty pops are here to stay, fake nails, fake titties=breast implants & some are too big, pumped up lips=botox & collagen, fake nose=job done, skin so dark, it is turning orange=too much tanning & fake voices? and you say All I want is for you to keep it real, HUH? and uh-uh, I think not, if they came to you, with a lot of fake ass shit on! Ya Dig?...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Covergirl 50th Anniversary/I Won

To win products like me use :
Come join us for the 50th Anniversary and you too could win! Here is my gift from Covergirl, I received in mail today! Woot Woot! Thanks Covergirl.....
I am a BzzAgent and you can be one too:
I won from CoverGirl, by clicking link above and joining their program! All free, just takes a few minutes of your time to join! What are you waiting for, get CoverGirled up!
Lesson Of The Day: Prescription Drugs & Their Side Effects
Keeping It Real: What the hell?... Lately, the side effects they have been posting for some of these drugs are crazy!
DEATH!!!!! Would you take a pill that could kill you instantly after taking it? It's evident, during clinical testing, somebody DIED from it, how else would they know, one of the side effects is death?
May cause unstoppable diarrhea, constipation so hard you need a bulldozer to cleanse you out, nose bleeds whenever, lose all your hair...WHAT????
Yeah, my descriptions may be a tad bit overly exaggerated, but not by much! Unfreakingreal and crazy for a person to take when there are so many horrible side effects! Ya Dig?..
DEATH!!!!! Would you take a pill that could kill you instantly after taking it? It's evident, during clinical testing, somebody DIED from it, how else would they know, one of the side effects is death?
May cause unstoppable diarrhea, constipation so hard you need a bulldozer to cleanse you out, nose bleeds whenever, lose all your hair...WHAT????
Yeah, my descriptions may be a tad bit overly exaggerated, but not by much! Unfreakingreal and crazy for a person to take when there are so many horrible side effects! Ya Dig?..
Katt Williams
What is going on with Katt Williams?
The way some celebs have been acting after getting their money on is rid-damn-diculous!!!
I watched him on TMZ other day and if I may, I believe Katt has let DRUGS take over his being! He was talking crazy and looked DRUGGED out!
Just goes to show, MONEY AIN'T FOR EVERYBODY!!!! Ya Dig?..
The way some celebs have been acting after getting their money on is rid-damn-diculous!!!
I watched him on TMZ other day and if I may, I believe Katt has let DRUGS take over his being! He was talking crazy and looked DRUGGED out!
Just goes to show, MONEY AIN'T FOR EVERYBODY!!!! Ya Dig?..
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Broke
Keeping It Real: You don't know broke until you are ROBBING Peter to PAY Paul and Mary standing there, with her damn hand out! Ya Dig?..
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Toys!
Keeping It Real: Children have their toys, Men have their toys and Women have their toys, too! Ya Dig?..
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Cocaine
Keeping It Real: It amazes me how a person who is snorting coke can call a person who smokes it, a dopefiend and or crackhead! My opinion, DOPE IS DOPE! If you get drug tested and it comes back positive for cocaine, it is not going to come back, being read as: she/he smokes it, she/he shoots it up, she/he snorts it or she/he sprinkles it on weed or cigarette, it is going to READ COCAINE!! NO DIFFERENCE, just different ways of using it! Ya Dig?...
Monday, April 18, 2011
WOW! Moments
WOW! Moments
Wide Open West is moving on up and doing things! Comcast & the rest of the cable companies better watch out! Woot woot!
Lesson Of The Day: Winning Is Not Everything..
Keeping It Real: Sometimes when you win, you lose and when you lose, you win! Life is not about winning everything, it is about the effort you put behind whatever you set out to accomplish! So when you lose, lose gracefully, because losing sometimes makes you a winner! Ya Dig?...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: I Don't Need Nobody Else
Keeping It Real: Long as I have King Jesus...Ya Dig?..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Our Justice System
Keeping It Real: Scenario: A 15 year old boy is sent NUDE photos from from 2 girls on his cell phone, one is 15 and the other is 17, old enough to know right from wrong, ok? Mind you, these girls sent pics to like 8 different boys at several different high schools!
Boy gets mad at girls for unknown reason and threatens to post naked pics on myspace.
Girls go to parents who contact police and BOY GETS ARRESTED for having child pornography in his possession! Girls MAY GET PROBATION!!
Boy, never sent pics, only threatened to use them and he gets arrested?, what is wrong with this picture?
If somebody sent nude child pics to my email addy and I never checked the email and they call police, does this mean I will go to jail, if they found them? Unfreakingreal!!!
What ABOUT THE DAMN SENDER?!!!!!! Ya Dig?...
Boy gets mad at girls for unknown reason and threatens to post naked pics on myspace.
Girls go to parents who contact police and BOY GETS ARRESTED for having child pornography in his possession! Girls MAY GET PROBATION!!
Boy, never sent pics, only threatened to use them and he gets arrested?, what is wrong with this picture?
If somebody sent nude child pics to my email addy and I never checked the email and they call police, does this mean I will go to jail, if they found them? Unfreakingreal!!!
What ABOUT THE DAMN SENDER?!!!!!! Ya Dig?...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Celebs on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace & Their "Fans"
Keeping It Real: Hahaha, I have to laugh because I sure would love to be a fly on the wall or in their presence when they read some of the posts left by their "fans"!
I have never seen so much ass kissing, groveling & butt licking in my life! Some folks will go to the extreme to get a celeb's attention! Haha WOW! They post naked pictures, say raunchy, sexual comments, NOT giving a DAMN that their words and pictures are being viewed and read by thousands, hell, millions!!!, HOPING just hoping to get a inkling of attention from the celeb!
Let's not forget about the YES folks they surround themselves with, that regardless of what they say and or do, it is ALWAYS OK by their YES folks! They are the real ass kissers! Please don't say anything negative about one of their fav celebs, they will tweet, post, like and or put the reply @ sign and include them in the convo even though they haven't said a word, those are ones really trying to get attention!
WOW, I said all of this to say, we are here to serve them as fans, not be THEIR SERVANTS! They NEED you more than you need them, see, we pay their BILLS! They can't get paid with out US! Ya Dig?...
I have never seen so much ass kissing, groveling & butt licking in my life! Some folks will go to the extreme to get a celeb's attention! Haha WOW! They post naked pictures, say raunchy, sexual comments, NOT giving a DAMN that their words and pictures are being viewed and read by thousands, hell, millions!!!, HOPING just hoping to get a inkling of attention from the celeb!
Let's not forget about the YES folks they surround themselves with, that regardless of what they say and or do, it is ALWAYS OK by their YES folks! They are the real ass kissers! Please don't say anything negative about one of their fav celebs, they will tweet, post, like and or put the reply @ sign and include them in the convo even though they haven't said a word, those are ones really trying to get attention!
WOW, I said all of this to say, we are here to serve them as fans, not be THEIR SERVANTS! They NEED you more than you need them, see, we pay their BILLS! They can't get paid with out US! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Black & White Women
Keeping It Real: It's funny how these race of women are trying to become one another!
The Black women are getting breast implants, nose jobs to make their nose keener and smaller, weave past their assholes and wearing colored eyes other than brown and black!
The White women are getting so tanned, they either look orange or Hispanic! They are wearing weave, braids, getting their lips inflated and butt implants to have a bigger ass. Oh yeah and most LOVE OUR Black men! LOL
Hmmmm, I have nothing against other races, but I refused to change the looks that my PARENTS Blessed me with just so I can "supposedly" look better! Hell, I am perfect the way I am! Ya Dig?..
The Black women are getting breast implants, nose jobs to make their nose keener and smaller, weave past their assholes and wearing colored eyes other than brown and black!
The White women are getting so tanned, they either look orange or Hispanic! They are wearing weave, braids, getting their lips inflated and butt implants to have a bigger ass. Oh yeah and most LOVE OUR Black men! LOL
Hmmmm, I have nothing against other races, but I refused to change the looks that my PARENTS Blessed me with just so I can "supposedly" look better! Hell, I am perfect the way I am! Ya Dig?..
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Family
Keeping It Real: We all grow apart but family is a terrible thing to waste, ain't nothing like FAMILY! Ya Dig?......
How do you feel about your man holding hands with his home boy?
It appears that Toronto Raptors teammates Leandro Barbosa, right, and Reggie Evans are more than just friends on and off the court. It’s a known fact that the NBA has its share of gay players hiding deep in the closet. And with attitudes being more favorable towards gays in society as a whole, it’s just a matter of time before a player rips the closet door off its hinges. In the case of Leandro and Reggie, it’s good to see manly men who aren’t afraid to show affection toward each other, even if they’re joking around.
I asked a manly man, who happens to be a celebrity, how he felt about a man holding hands with him, and he said: “I can’t get with that. If a man tries to hold my hand, I will pull back because I don’t like that. Don’t try to disrespect me with your energy. That’s gay.”
How do you ladies feel about your men holding hands with their home boy?
hold hands,
toronto raptors
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: I'm GROWN!!
Keeping It Real: Lots of young folks tend to think because they have turned 18, they are GROWN! Let me break it down for ya: if ya grown, then you DO NOT live in your parents home, you pay rent, utilities, insurance and whatnot! Just because you are 18 years old, DOES NOT MAKE YOU GROWN, it only makes you of LEGAL age meaning you are an adult and it also means I can throw your ass out with no repercussions! When you start making grown folks decisions and paying grown folks DUES, then ya grown! Ya Dig?..
Monday, April 11, 2011
I won from CoverGirl

Come join us for the 50th Anniversary and you too could win:
I am a BzzAgent and you can be one too:
I won from CoverGirl, by clicking link above and joining their program! All free, just takes a few minutes of your time to join! What are you waiting for, get CoverGirled up!
Celebrity Apprentice 04/10/2011
The show was outstanding last night! I must say, I am GLAD Latoya took a stance after acting like one who flew over the cuckoo's nest and pulled it off! What in the hell was wrong with her in the beginning? She acted confused and out of sorts, regardless, she did the damn thing and won for her charity! Kudos to ya!
Hmmmm, Gary Busey has issues and everybody that watches it, sees it! I have to go along with John Rich when he said, Gary ain't fucking crazy, he just acts it and as he pointed out, in the boardroom, NONE of those antics are ever displayed! NEVER!!! I felt sad for Mark, but once you put your foot in your mouth, Donald OBLIGES you! LOL
The real Nene Leakes was displayed last night! She acted like the Nene, I am used to on RHOA! I must say, I was disappointed that she threw Latoya under the bus before the going got going, ya feel me? Nene has BULLY ways or syndrome, because of her size and height! She towers over everybody and if she has on them fuck me stilettos, some of the men are small next to her! She hasn't given Latoya the benefit of the doubt throughout the entire show, not just last night's episode! I felt like she owed Latoya an apology after it was all said and done, because their team won and Nene was out of line! She tweeted, that she and Latoya had made peace, well hell, she does not respect her as a person, its evident! Ya Dig?...
Hmmmm, Gary Busey has issues and everybody that watches it, sees it! I have to go along with John Rich when he said, Gary ain't fucking crazy, he just acts it and as he pointed out, in the boardroom, NONE of those antics are ever displayed! NEVER!!! I felt sad for Mark, but once you put your foot in your mouth, Donald OBLIGES you! LOL
The real Nene Leakes was displayed last night! She acted like the Nene, I am used to on RHOA! I must say, I was disappointed that she threw Latoya under the bus before the going got going, ya feel me? Nene has BULLY ways or syndrome, because of her size and height! She towers over everybody and if she has on them fuck me stilettos, some of the men are small next to her! She hasn't given Latoya the benefit of the doubt throughout the entire show, not just last night's episode! I felt like she owed Latoya an apology after it was all said and done, because their team won and Nene was out of line! She tweeted, that she and Latoya had made peace, well hell, she does not respect her as a person, its evident! Ya Dig?...
Lesson Of The Day: Letting Go...
Keeping It Real: Living in the past is so very unhealthy! Sometimes, it stops you from growing and moving on to and for the future! One of the most important aspects of letting go is FORGIVENESS! That old cliche' to forgive & forget is straight bullshit, because you can forgive, maybe never forget, but one still could hold a grudge! So I say forgive to move on! Ya Dig?...
Admitting the truth!
Why is it so hard for a person to admit they made a mistake or lied without heeing and hawing around the truth? Why can't they just say, "yeah, I did or said it! Can we move on from here?" Why must they always lie until they can't lie anymore, knowing all the time, it is the truth and just save face and admit their wrongs? Then they give tears, MEN TOO, not just women blubbering all over the place! If I see one more celebrity on TV crying about some dumb shit they have done! Ya Dig?...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Prayer Works...
Keeping It Real: If you pray, don't worry, but if you don't pray, then worry! Ya Dig?.. God Bless
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Making It!
You never know how STRONG YOU ARE until BEING STRONG is the only choice you have. Ya DIG?..
Friday, April 08, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: People with money, Rich people
Keeping It Real: They bleed red blood, wake up & go 2 sleep like we do, eat & talk with their mouths, their shit stank, they brush their teeth, wash face same way we do, ONLY difference is, some have more money! Folks must learn that we serve them, we ARE NOT THEIR SERVANTS! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Who Hasn't?...
Keeping It Real: Maybe you haven't reached all your goals yet- but who has? And maybe you've made a few mistakes along the way- but who hasn't? Maybe you did something you said you would never do- but who hasn't? Maybe you said something and wished you could take it back- but who hasn't? Maybe you wanted to say something and didn't- but who hasn't? Maybe you ate something, knowing you should not have- but who hasn't? Nobody is perfect, so celebrate your successes more so than your downfalls! Ya Dig?..
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Every action causes a reaction!
Keeping It Real: That is so true because whether it is a good or bad action, it will affect someone in a positive or negative way! When you throw out good energy, good vibes come back but when you throw out negative actions, then a dark aura will follow! Give positive actions, it WORKS! Ya dig?..
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Same words, Different meanings...
Keeping It Real: Get It?...could mean did you get whatever I sent you and it could also mean, do you understand? Ya Dig?..
Dionne Warwick
She gave an interview about being fired from CA and I quote, " My legacy has already been built. This show didn't do anything but give me airtime. It didn't hurt me whatsoever." end quote! SPOKEN like a sore loser!!!!
May I reword what it should have said, and I quote" My legacy has already been built and people weren't thinking 'bout my ass, but sure am glad to have been back for a while! This show didn't do anything but give me airtime, to prove, what some folks have been saying about me, all along, that I am a mean, ungrateful heffa'! I used that airtime to show what a bully, wannabe, aging diva, should have been grateful woman, that I am! It didn't hurt me whatsoever, even after telling Donald to fire me, then groveling after and saying, please Mr. Trump, don't let me go to calling Nene Leakes a coward, which all of America KNOWS is not true! I made my exit from the show like a sore loser that I am!" end quote!
I have lost the respect I had for you, even after hearing and reading some of the stories about you, I didn't think they held much truth, but your appearance and exit from CA, proved to me, the stories held and hold MUCH WEIGHT!!
Keep it moving Dionne!!...Ya Dig?..
May I reword what it should have said, and I quote" My legacy has already been built and people weren't thinking 'bout my ass, but sure am glad to have been back for a while! This show didn't do anything but give me airtime, to prove, what some folks have been saying about me, all along, that I am a mean, ungrateful heffa'! I used that airtime to show what a bully, wannabe, aging diva, should have been grateful woman, that I am! It didn't hurt me whatsoever, even after telling Donald to fire me, then groveling after and saying, please Mr. Trump, don't let me go to calling Nene Leakes a coward, which all of America KNOWS is not true! I made my exit from the show like a sore loser that I am!" end quote!
I have lost the respect I had for you, even after hearing and reading some of the stories about you, I didn't think they held much truth, but your appearance and exit from CA, proved to me, the stories held and hold MUCH WEIGHT!!
Keep it moving Dionne!!...Ya Dig?..
Is it ME????
Am I the only one that thinks Scream 4 is going to be a crock of b/s? I do not even jump at the previews they are showing and who else thinks the returning actress, Neve, will be the killer?
Why are they doing another part to this DEAD series? Ya Dig?...
Why are they doing another part to this DEAD series? Ya Dig?...
Monday, April 04, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Breaking Up...
Keeping It Real: I bust the windows out your car, I slash your tires, pour sugar in your tank, key your car!! When you have to resort to these childish tactics, YOU have THE PROBLEM, not the person you are doing it too! It is always best to react when you are rational! Ya Dig?..
Celebrity Apprentice 04/03/2011
Last night CA was off the hook! Folks hate on Donald, but so far, he hasn't done or said anything I would find appalling! My 1st time, watching Apprentice shows and I must say, I find it interesting, enlightening and sometimes amusing!
I want to commend Gary Busey for the way he responded to Meatloaf's outburst and incident! Thank you Gary and thank you Meatloaf for finally apologizing to him on the show for the way you reacted! I, too thought Gary had snatched his items because of what happened in the store, but Gary handled Meatloaf's actions without giving an reaction! I guess a lot of us have Gary, PEGGED wrong! I did and for that, I apologize!
I agree with Richard Hatch about not knowing a lot of celeb folks! People DO NOT like Richard because of they way he was acting on Survivor and just because he won on Survivor does NOT mean he knows and has friends with BIG BUCKS!!! That is bullshit!! and I agreed with Marlee about it was about business, somebody had to be FIRED!! No get out of being fired cards, hell, they lost 3 times in a row, how dare Donald asked her to let this firing slide!!!
The REAL Nene Leakes kinda surfaced last night when she was talking about tossing Star's ass out the window and when they showed next week's episode clip, the REAL NENE is in full effect! I agree with Star, when she said, there are a lot things you can say about Nene, but A COWARD, I think NOT!!
Thank you Latoya, for finally standing up for yourself and realizing that they give you nothing, meaningless tasks because they think you are incapable of doing anything! Thanks for stepping up!! Ya Dig?..
I want to commend Gary Busey for the way he responded to Meatloaf's outburst and incident! Thank you Gary and thank you Meatloaf for finally apologizing to him on the show for the way you reacted! I, too thought Gary had snatched his items because of what happened in the store, but Gary handled Meatloaf's actions without giving an reaction! I guess a lot of us have Gary, PEGGED wrong! I did and for that, I apologize!
I agree with Richard Hatch about not knowing a lot of celeb folks! People DO NOT like Richard because of they way he was acting on Survivor and just because he won on Survivor does NOT mean he knows and has friends with BIG BUCKS!!! That is bullshit!! and I agreed with Marlee about it was about business, somebody had to be FIRED!! No get out of being fired cards, hell, they lost 3 times in a row, how dare Donald asked her to let this firing slide!!!
The REAL Nene Leakes kinda surfaced last night when she was talking about tossing Star's ass out the window and when they showed next week's episode clip, the REAL NENE is in full effect! I agree with Star, when she said, there are a lot things you can say about Nene, but A COWARD, I think NOT!!
Thank you Latoya, for finally standing up for yourself and realizing that they give you nothing, meaningless tasks because they think you are incapable of doing anything! Thanks for stepping up!! Ya Dig?..
National Enquirer
Am I the only one who believes that most articles printed by them hold some kind of TRUTH?
People say they are rag magazines and they do not tell the truth, PLEASE BELIEVE, if they were NOT, they would have been SUED more than they have! I, only remember of one time, they had to retract and pay out money to a celeb and that was Carol Burnett!
National Enquirer tells the truth about celebs and they do not make the shit up! Ya Dig?..
People say they are rag magazines and they do not tell the truth, PLEASE BELIEVE, if they were NOT, they would have been SUED more than they have! I, only remember of one time, they had to retract and pay out money to a celeb and that was Carol Burnett!
National Enquirer tells the truth about celebs and they do not make the shit up! Ya Dig?..
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Man vs. God
Keeping It Real: When a man starts talking that smack about what he can do for and to me, I say hold up....Can't NOBODY DO ME, LIKE JESUS!!! Ya Dig?...
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Natural High..
Keeping It Real: I never stay sober because I'm high on life! Ya Dig?..
Friday, April 01, 2011
Express Your Beautiful/Covergirl 50th Anniversary
Click link to join CoverGirl's 50th Anniversary on Facebook
Design a custom desktop wallpaper inspired by NatureLuxe Collection! You could win a NatureLuxe Gloss Balm!
The next generation of Covergirl is YOU!!!
I am a BZZagent and you can become one too :
Covergirl is made for every nationality, so get CoverGirled up, what are you waiting for?
Lesson Of The Day: 2 children
Keeping It Real: Am I the only person who GETS BOILING angry, when I hear somebody make a comment about a child and how pretty and beautiful they are and they go on and on and freaking on about this child you have with you, BUT THERE ARE 2 CHILDREN with you? How can a person be so insensitive toward a child? I know some don't think, but maybe it is time YOU ALL SHOULD!! That shit ain't right, especially when there stands before you, 2 children, dumb asses! Ya Dig?...
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