Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lesson Of The Day: Celebrity Infidelity/Affairs

Keeping It Real: Why is it OUR business? Why must they get on TV and or do an interview explaining why they cheated? I feel they owe their family an apology, NOT US! 

Why would they have President Clinton or any president for that matter, in court, because they cheated? Just because Monica and NOT Hillary sucked his penis would have ruined our country? Why try & impeach a man for something, in my eyes, was clearly, not our business! If Hillary didn't have a problem with it, why should we have? How many politicians do you know, that do not lie? 

Why isn't regular folks put on PUBLIC DISPLAY when they cheat? Hell, I could write a damn book about my ex-hubby and numerous of his friends, my friends and people I know, who aren't famous BUT has done some nasty shit along with cheating! 

Hmmmmm, what's made public for the geese, should be made public, for the ganders! Ya Dig?.. 

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