Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: Employers, Jobs & Facebook/Social Network Sites

Keeping It Real: Want the job?, hand over over your Facebook info! Employers are asking applicants who come in for interview for password to their Facebook, Myspace or any network site prior to giving them a job! Ummmm, have they lost their damn minds? What a person says and do on their OWN time, has absolutely nothing to do with my performance on the job! I would say HELL NO and leave interview! I don't have anything to hide BUT that is like asking me to give you the keys to my house to look around! UH-NO!!! Ya Dig?...

1 comment:

  1. They must be outta their minds. Now they reaching. If I have to give you my passwords to the some of the social networks I'm involved in, I don't need the job. That has nothing to do with me performing the tasks at hand in which you are hiring for. smh

