Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lesson Of The Day: Praise Dancing

Keeping It Real: I am writing today's lesson to educate one of my Facebook friends on what Praise Dancing is all about!! She made a thread with a picture posted of a young woman Praise Dancing. She said and I quote: "See this humiliating foolishness right here? Yet another reason why I can't enter the church doors", end quote! HUH?

One of HER friends asked, what's wrong with it? and she said You tell me, I don't get or understand it!!

My question is: HOW IN THE HELL can you call it humiliating foolishness and NOT know what it is? She then went on and explained & I quote again: "I wasn't raised in the church, but when I was young and attended on occasion, this form of expression didn't exist. It just reminds me of Big Daddy Kane and other old school rappers that decided to add dancers to their repertoire...quite unnecessary and something I have to pass on." end quote!! So she doesn't know what it is, PROBABLY haven't been to a church for SERVICES since Skippy was a puppy, in other words, it is safe to ASSUME, last time she went was when she was a child!! and then say, this is one of the reasons, why I can't enter the church doors!! It's not like she is an Atheist or don't believe, because numerous times, I have seen her post AMEN or please say a Prayer for me!

I found her thread & statement to be offensive to ALL Praise Dancers and then comparing them to VIDEO DANCERS!!! One of her friends commented, which I agree wholeheartedly with and said: 
Dancing for the Lord is nothing new and it is biblical. Amen...

People have been dancing with and for the Lord for YEARS!! and if she can take a picture of a woman Praise Dancing and sum it up as VIDEO HOOCHING dancing, all I can say is, SHE NEEDS JESUS & CHURCH IN HER LIFE, like yesterday!!! Ya Dig?...


  1. Why would you assume I'm comparing praise dancing to hoochie dancing? Since when did Big Daddy Kane ever have female dancers? He didn't. They were guys and they weren't dancing in any hoochie sort of way. You have offended me with your discombobulated understanding of what I meant by praise dancing.

    Since you seem to know it all, why don't you take the time and research Big Daddy Kane's old videos and get back with me on what you saw.

    I've been to church as an adult. I said that when I went to church on occasion while growing up, that wasn't the thing back then. I don't like it, I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm not going to change my viewpoint on how I feel about it either.

    1. Lagina, you said old school rappers too, NOT just Big Daddy Kane and the FACT remains that you compared them to video dancers! and who said Kane was GAY????? When did I mention his preference for sex ( which I have no knowledge of) , so I have no idea if he is gay, bi or straight! Now who needs to get their facts straight, YOU or me? mmm hmmm

      and you say you have been to Church as AN ADULT BUT have never heard of Praise Dancing?

      You are so correct, when you say, you have your opinion and SO DO I, that is why I blogged about and just like your discombobulated *wow* LOL understanding of Praise Dancing, WHICH IS NONE!!!!!!!, my opinion stands just as FIRM!!!
