Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lesson Of The Day: Jesus Wept (John 11:35)...

Keeping It Real: Shortest verse in the bible.  Simply put - doesn't need a whole lot of "stuff" to emphasize that our Jesus feels our pain.  Most often when we are going through what we are going through, we feels as though no one could possibly understand or feel the way we do.  But Jesus does! 
He loves you so much, that He mourns when you mourn, and cries when you cry, hurts when you hurt.  God loves you so much that He created you in His image, so that You can be successfully and live out your destiny that He so carefully crafted just for you.
So the next time you feel as though you need someone to talk to - turn to Jesus, and tell Him all about it.  You will feel better, your situation will start to look so much brighter, and the atmosphere yields Praise - He is worthy!
Stay blessed, always building up and never tearing down. Amen! Ya Dig?...