Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lesson of The Day: Blacks And Reality Shows/Stations (VH1, Bravo, Oxygen, MTV, etc.)

Keeping It Real: I find it very amusing that some Black people think the stations like Oxygen, Bravo, VH1, MTV, TVone, WEtv just to name a few put Blacks people in a horrible way when they are aired on their stations and reality shows!

1. They have to cast for these shows, the stations do not walk around with camera crews just filming folks without their permission!

2. They also have to sign a CONTRACT to be seen on a reality show!

3. How can a reality show and station put Black people in a bad light if they never cast for it or sign a contract?

For the record, these stations have other races reality shows as well, so are they putting Black people in a bad way or any race that is foolish enough to sign up and have a camera crew follow you around and film your EVERYTHING?? 

It's entertainment and if they want to entertain folks with their life and lifestyle, so be it, right? Ya Dig???


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