Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lesson Of The Day: Jennifer & Eric Williams

Keeping It Real: The finale on BasketBall wives ended with Toothy, er rah, ahem, I mean Unicorn head, excuse me, damn, I meant Eric, throwing an entire drink in Jen's face! Was it a BITCH move?, yes! Do I think he would have done it without the cameras rolling?, YES!

Eric is like MOSTLY all men, TYPICAL!! When a man has a good thing and takes advantage, LIKE HE WAS CLEARLY doing, does he miss it when it is gone?, hell to the yes! Eric has come to the realization that his unattractive ass has FUCKED up. Jen is and HAS moved on to bigger and better things in her life! Why is it, that when a man has been clearly messing up throughout the relationship and never thinks the woman will leave BUT when she does and he finally realizes she is moving on, they do BITCH moves like Eric did?

What the hell does 40 have to do with anything? and to tell her she is NOTHING!!! HA!!!!! Who the hell is Eric Williams, an UNHEARD RETIRED BB player who NEEDS JEN to make himself look good! He should have been happy to have her on his arm, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, for the 1st 2 seasons of show, Eric wasn't around, he was DOING Eric! I wrote a song about it, want hear it, here it goes: Now that she's gone, all that's left is the big teeth and knot on his forehead, all that's left is a band of gold and instead of begging her forgiveness, he chose to show all his BITCHASSNESS! HA!!!!!

Jen, I am so proud of you for leaving his no good ass and moving on! As you say, KEEP IT MOVING, girlfriend! Ya Dig?...


  1. I'm glad she moving on too. He is not attractive at. She can do better. She beautiful and from what I can tell has a sweet personality. I'm glad she didn't have kids with that fool. I would feel sorry for them.

  2. Girl, I am glad too, because she would have to be bugged forever by that fool, if she had children!
