Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lesson Of The Day: Online Beneficiary Scams

Keeping It Real: This is almost like the BANK SCAMS except they send you a long drawn out letter explaining that, somebody had their money and they had to escape from God knows where and the person died and they have to get money out before government takes it! They go on to explain, they are broke & destitute and the money is rightfully theirs and they will split it with you! LOL & hahahahahahahaha

1st thing, if they broke & destitute, how in the hell, do they have internet, let alone, access to a phone and or computer? How in the hell, did they get my email address?

Most of these emails come from the UK and or African countries! What's up with that b/s? They prey on unsuspecting people, to get their information and then BAM, you are sucked in, gotten and left scratching your damn head!

Again, folks, if you have older parents/grandparents, Please Make Them Aware Of These Scams!! Ya Dig?....

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