Folks Who Like Them Some ME!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Resolute To Stop Making Resolutions....
Keeping It Real: Most of us NEVER keep them anyway! The BEST resolution any of us can make is to embrace who you are, what you are & do, who you do it with, where you do it at, how you do it & just truly enjoy the life you live and how look! Not one person is PERFECT, so embrace whatever imperfections you have and LOVE IT!!! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Listen.....
Keeping It Real: We were given two ears and one mouth. Maybe we were meant to listen more than we speak! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Men & Sex Toys...
Keeping It Real: Fellas, they are NOT meant to replace you, just meant to enhance what you are already doing! If a woman doesn't have a man, then THEY HELP OUT WONDERFULLY, seriously! LOL Even if she has man, toys are just that, TOYS! They are not meant to offend and or replace BUT sometimes, the enhancement is BETTER than some men! Toys are meant for that extra added pleasure! So fellas, the next time, your woman pulls out her toys, not only let her play with them, but you play with them too but with HER! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: WalMart Store & Discover Card
Keeping It Real: It is not WalMARK or DisCOVERY card! Ya Dig?...
Monday, December 26, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Computer Strong....
Keeping It Real: It amazes me how a person who NEVER had a fight in their life OR was getting their ass kicked while in school OR who has always been a punk OR just a scary person PERIOD, can gather so much courage and heart sitting in front of their computer!
I can see getting strong or hard with a person who you KNOW, you will NEVER CROSS PATHS WITH but a person locally, right in your area, who you may run into at any given time!!!
It would be really interesting to see you, pull out your computer or phone and get hard, if confronted in person by said person, you got strong with on the internet? Food for your MIND! Ya Dig?
I can see getting strong or hard with a person who you KNOW, you will NEVER CROSS PATHS WITH but a person locally, right in your area, who you may run into at any given time!!!
It would be really interesting to see you, pull out your computer or phone and get hard, if confronted in person by said person, you got strong with on the internet? Food for your MIND! Ya Dig?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Everybody KNOWS.....
Keeping It Real: Everybody KNOWS that Phaedra from Real Housewives Of Atlanta didn't make that damn saying/statement up! Ya Dig?...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Bowing Out Gracefully....
Keeping It Real: Don't be angry or upset when someone else starts to appreciate the person you took for granted. You can't make a person want you, so keep it moving! If it didn't work out between you all, there is someone for everybody! Learn how to bow out gracefully from relationships and other things in your life. What you won't do, someone else will. Food for thought! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: The Holiday Season Is Approaching....
Keeping It Real: Time gets short .. nerves are frayed .. funds extinguished....I'd like to share with you, what was recently passed on to me.
"When we count our many blessings, it isn't hard to see, that Life's most valued treasures, are the treasures that are free. For it isn't what we own or buy, that signifies our wealth, it's the special gifts that have no price, our family, friends and health!"
I wish you blessings abound and a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah or whichever manner you choose to celebrate this holiday season, I hope that it is filled with joy, love, peace, fun, family, friends and wonderful memories.
Here’s wishing you a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season! Ya Dig?..
"When we count our many blessings, it isn't hard to see, that Life's most valued treasures, are the treasures that are free. For it isn't what we own or buy, that signifies our wealth, it's the special gifts that have no price, our family, friends and health!"
I wish you blessings abound and a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah or whichever manner you choose to celebrate this holiday season, I hope that it is filled with joy, love, peace, fun, family, friends and wonderful memories.
Here’s wishing you a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season! Ya Dig?..
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Cynthia Bailey & Peter Thomas (Real Housewives Of ATL)
Keeping It Real: Ummmmm, what the hell is Peter's problem? How can he, as a husband sit back & watch his wife FAIL? Kudos to her, she kept it moving WITHOUT him!
He wouldn't mail the invites for her and she has stood by side throughout it all!!! He left the event early, BECAUSE??????? Then he had the nerve to give an interview in Upscale Magazine and bad mouth the other women on the show? What, he trying to burn the bridge before she even gets to it?
In my honest opinion, he is an ASSHOLE! Wait, I'm sorry, he isn't an asshole, he is the WHOLE ASS!!!
Cynthia, he says he loves you, I guess he does! He loves to see you fail, he loves to bring animosity and discern between you & your family, he loves your money when the going gets tough for him, he loves that you are on HIS TEAM!!
On the real, you should have been a RUNAWAY BRIDE! Ya Dig?...
He wouldn't mail the invites for her and she has stood by side throughout it all!!! He left the event early, BECAUSE??????? Then he had the nerve to give an interview in Upscale Magazine and bad mouth the other women on the show? What, he trying to burn the bridge before she even gets to it?
In my honest opinion, he is an ASSHOLE! Wait, I'm sorry, he isn't an asshole, he is the WHOLE ASS!!!
Cynthia, he says he loves you, I guess he does! He loves to see you fail, he loves to bring animosity and discern between you & your family, he loves your money when the going gets tough for him, he loves that you are on HIS TEAM!!
On the real, you should have been a RUNAWAY BRIDE! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Oh, Because You Are Famous....
Keeping It Real: PLEASE quit using your "stardom" as a gateway to other avenues of entertainment! If you are an actor & KNOW YOU CAN'T SING, WHY TRY? Oh, because you are famous, it suddenly gave you a voice? If you are a singer & KNOW YOU CAN'T ACT, WHY TRY? Oh, because you are famous, it suddenly made you think you could win an Oscar? If you are an actor or singer & KNOW YOU CAN'T SPELL & ONLY book you ever was really interested in was the TV GUIDE, WHY WRITE A BOOK? Oh, because you are famous, you thought you would make book of the month list?
I believe some celebrities use their status as a way of getting over on their fans! Just because you have made it in one area, doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage in another. Some celebs need to stay in their lanes! Ya Dig?...
I believe some celebrities use their status as a way of getting over on their fans! Just because you have made it in one area, doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage in another. Some celebs need to stay in their lanes! Ya Dig?...
Monday, December 19, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Life Is A Gift....
Keeping It Real: Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.Today before you say an unkind word -Think of someone who can't speak.Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.Today before you complain about life -Think of someone who went too early to heaven.Before you complain about your children -Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.And when you are tired and complain about your job -Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER.And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around. Ya Dig?.......
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: The Candy Cane & Jesus....
Keeping It Real: Do you know what a "Candy Cane Really is?" Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas - Which is "Jesus." The hard candy was shaped like a " J " to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was white, that stands for the pureness of Jesus, and the red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins. So the next time you see a candy cane, take a minute to remember the real meaning of "Christmas." Ya Dig?.....
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Monique Q Caradine's Black Woman’s Manifesto for 2012
Keeping It Real: Too many black women on TV appear to be making a concerted effort to hijack our image and set us back 850 years!
What the hell is going on?
I’m talking about the reality show, so-called housewives of this, that and the other. Their frequent displays of violence and aggression, their obvious lack of self-esteem and their inability to show any semblance of adult-like behavior is downright embarrassing.
Yet, the criticisms of these displays, which should be coming from upstanding black women in our society, are either being ignored, are too rare or not being voiced loudly enough. Or, maybe these toxic displays have become accepted as the norm for black women.
This is NOT okay! I say, enough is enough. It’s time to set a new standard for women everywhere. So I decided to draft the Black Woman’s Manifesto for 2012. It’s intended to be a working document with a few recommendations of how we as strong, proud, respectable, admirable, loving black women should conduct ourselves. Is this too much to ask?
What the hell is going on?
I’m talking about the reality show, so-called housewives of this, that and the other. Their frequent displays of violence and aggression, their obvious lack of self-esteem and their inability to show any semblance of adult-like behavior is downright embarrassing.
Yet, the criticisms of these displays, which should be coming from upstanding black women in our society, are either being ignored, are too rare or not being voiced loudly enough. Or, maybe these toxic displays have become accepted as the norm for black women.
This is NOT okay! I say, enough is enough. It’s time to set a new standard for women everywhere. So I decided to draft the Black Woman’s Manifesto for 2012. It’s intended to be a working document with a few recommendations of how we as strong, proud, respectable, admirable, loving black women should conduct ourselves. Is this too much to ask?
1.) We will strive for better health—mentally, physically and spiritually. We will get therapy, coaching, training, counseling or whatever it takes so that the hurts of our past no longer hinder our future. We will work to achieve ultimate wholeness and healing in EVERY area of our lives so that our thoughts, words and actions become a true reflection of our GOD-like nature. We will elevate ourselves in an effort to command a new level of respect.
2.) As mothers, we will put the BEST interest of our children FIRST,especially as it relates to giving them the best education possible, spending quality time and creating a nurturing and affirming family environment. We will not leave them in situations where their safety and well-being might be jeopardized (i.e. with boyfriends or friends of friends or with crazy-ass relatives just because we can’t find a babysitter). We will see them as precious gifts, not burdens. We will lovingly prepare nutritious meals for them so that they will not rely on fast food. We will teach our girls to value themselves and raise our boys to be MEN. At our best, we will serve as the living example of the type of woman our sons would want to marry. Even when they become “difficult” or “defiant” we will protect our children at all costs and NEVER give up on them.
3.) We will absolutely NOT flirt with, lunch with, spend time with, share personal information with, engage in long conversation with or have sex with another woman’s husband, period! He is off limits no matter how smooth a talker he may be. We will show self-restraint and show respect for that wife and her marriage because we would want her to do the same for us. We will also stop holding every man accountable for the sins of our fathers who may have left us. It is not their fault that he may have been ill-equipped to prepare us for womanhood.
4.) We will raise our standards and level of expectation when it comes to relationships. We will only connect with men of high moral character. If he does not get along with his mother, we will either help him repair that relationship first or run in the opposite direction. We will STOP engaging in casual sex with multiple partners because that’s just nasty! Just because a man is “sexy” or has “swag” does not mean he deserves the very essence of who you are. Allow him to earn it. Challenge him to put a ring on it. Show him your value goes far beyond the bedroom. Your life depends on it and he will he be a better man if you do.
5.) We will vigorously protect our image in the media. When we see women on TV clowning and acting a damn fool, we will confront them, call them to the carpet and lovingly correct them. Nowadays, shaking our heads as we continue to watch the train wreck is not enough because these women are negatively influencing an entire generation.
6.) We will create a multiple-streams-of-income lifestyle. We will refuse to rely on one check from one job that is not guaranteed to be there for us tomorrow. We will establish businesses that give us the freedom to do what matters most and we will earn what we deserve. We will commit to tithing, saving, giving and systematically getting out of debt.
7.) We will ONLY speak words that give life. We will encourage, uplift, support, empower and inspire each other with our words. We will refuse to tear others down with rumors, gossip, lies, half-truths, violence, aggression, negativity or deceit. No longer will we say, “I’m broke, I’m not good enough, I’m too short, I’m too fat, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not smart enough…” We will recognize that our words have POWER and every word we speak is a seed being planted. We will NOT speak our current situation. Instead we will ONLY speak the reality that we deserve and desire thereby calling it into existence with our WORDS.
8.) We will lovingly forgive ourselves for bad decisions and stupid mistakes.The past is the past. We are still here. The lesson has been learned. It’s a new day. Move on and let your breakthrough overtake you!
9.) We will honor ourselves (and the God within us) everyday by acknowledging the authority that we have been given to change ANY situation. We will reclaim our role as cultural gatekeepers and we will be respected for our brilliance AND beauty on earth and in heaven. Ya Dig?...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: People Running For President...
Keeping It Real: Ummmmmm, WHAT THE HELL????? We have so many goofballs, men & women, trying to throw their HATS into the next Presidential Election! Regardless of whomever RUNS, Obama GOT THIS!!! 2nd time around! Ya Dig?....
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Twas The Night Before Driismas
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the group, Not a member was stirring, not even for a bowl of Froot Loops. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Driis soon would be there. Member's children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of XBoxes, Baby Phat outfits danced in their heads. And Big Mama in her headscarf, and PawPaw in his doo-rag, Was arguing on Xmas' Eve, She called him an old bastard, he called her a hag.
When out on the lawn, louder than all their racket, PawPaw grabbed his shotgun and then his jacket. He ran to the front door and flew out in a flash, Missed the first step and went sliding down the rest on his ass.
He cussed and yelled as he went sliding on the ice, He got up and fell not once, but twice. When, what to his wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh and some of the group members.
With a Strong, British driver, so lively and remiss, He knew in a moment it must be St Driis. More rapid than rapper Twista words he came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
Now Tonya, Now Debra, Now Robin and Natasha. On Karen, On April, On Missy and Pamela. On Kelly, On Christina, On Kaydy and Nechelle. Jump on top of the Buick, Bounce off the Escalade Now dash away, dash away.There are gifts to be gave.
As fumes of perfume, cologne and body mist floated thru the air, Mixed with weave glue and flat irons smells for the hair. So up to the house-top the members they flew, With a sleigh full of Goodies and St Driis too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard up above, The pushing and clawing, then someone got shoved. As PawPaw came back in, and was turning around, Down the chimney St Driis came with a bound.
He was dressed in a T-shirt,J eans and one Timberland boot, He said other one was stucked up in the chimney with the ashes and soot. A garbage bag of Toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a Thug from his attire, and started opening his pack.
His eyes-were red and low! his smile was real slick! He said 'wheres the milk and cookies?, while sucking on a toothpick! His cute little mouth was drawn up like a bow, When he said, Sheee'it, I am thirsty & hungry from saying ho, ho, ho!
The stump of a Black & Mild he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath. He has a fine, handsome face and a tight, sexy ass body, He knows he has the look that can get any hottie!
He was a tall, dark, sexy looking elf, And I thought, I wouldn't mind hitting that, myself! A wink of his eye, lick of his lips and a twist of his head, Made me know St.Driis would be hellified and phenomenal in bed .
He didnt say another word, but sat his ass down in PawPaw's favorite chair, And yelled for the members to get their asses down there. He sat and watched them work, eating his cookies and milk, pulled out his Blackberry, then farted & told Big Mama to put on his new hit, Private Garden!
He said we be done here, to his namesake members, The Driisettes, gave a whistle, He turned to Ma and Pa, gave a wink and said you have just been “driisled”. But I heard him exclaim, as he drove away real fast, Merry Christmas to all Idris Elba club members and Driisette Divas, you all have much CLASS!
Lesson Of The Day: BUT Do You Go To Church?...
Keeping It Real: I was raised in the church. Father & 3 brothers are ordained ministers! I may not go to church like I used to and suppose to BUT I GO! I see so many people on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook & numerous social sites that speak so much about it! I say if you always speaking about, BE ABOUT IT!
How many of u speak about, tweet about, talk about, blog about, write books about God & CHURCH BUT ACTUALLY GO TO CHURCH?
Some folks I see, say what the Pastor has said in church on a Sunday but some folks, I see posting about God, constantly, even on SUNDAYS, what?, are they tweeting, posting & making comments on social sites in church?
Again, I say, if you gonna always speak about, be about it as well! God doesn't want just your tweets, comments and posts, He wants you to SERVE & WORK for Him as well! Ya Dig?...
How many of u speak about, tweet about, talk about, blog about, write books about God & CHURCH BUT ACTUALLY GO TO CHURCH?
Some folks I see, say what the Pastor has said in church on a Sunday but some folks, I see posting about God, constantly, even on SUNDAYS, what?, are they tweeting, posting & making comments on social sites in church?
Again, I say, if you gonna always speak about, be about it as well! God doesn't want just your tweets, comments and posts, He wants you to SERVE & WORK for Him as well! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Momma Said....
Keeping It Real: My mother said, you TRAIN animals & you TEACH children & people! My momma said, KIDS are born to goats and people have CHILDREN! My momma said, you're so smart, you're dumb! My momma said, you can start it BUT I will finish it! My momma said, all Black people are not ignorant & dumb just like all White people are not smart! My momma said, 1+1 does not equal 3, dammit! My momma said, walk softly & carry a BIG stick and if they get out of order, beat the shit out 'em! My momma said, never be a Bully & never hit 1st but when touched, get their ass for old and new! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Meijer's Canvas Print
I love, love my canvas print. The quality of the canvas print came out just like the picture! I am pictured with my only 2 grandchildren, Ashyla & Sanai! It allows you to transfer your favorite photo into a work of art! Have you made yours yet?
I am a Bzzagent and they gave me the free canvas in exchange for my opinion and you can get freebies too at:
<img src="" alt=""/>
I am a Bzzagent and they gave me the free canvas in exchange for my opinion and you can get freebies too at:
<img src="" alt=""/>
Lesson Of The Day: I'm Not Happy Being Single....
Keeping It Real: If you're not happy single, then you'll never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life in order first and then when it is time to share, everything should work out fine! Don't Worry, Be Happy! Ya Dig?..
Monday, December 12, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: What?, You Thought He Would Change?
Keeping It Real: You knew he was a deadbeat daddy because he didn't take care of or have anything to do with the children he had BEFORE you got pregnant, what?, you thought he was gonna change?
You knew he beat on and whipped the women's asses he was with before you got in a relationship with him, what?, you thought he was gonna change?
You knew he was a womanizer, whorish and trifling before you made him your man, what?, you thought he was gonna change?
You knew he only cared about himself, pay no bills, doesn't do anything around the house or help with the children before you let him move in, what? you thought he was gonna change?
Mmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmm Ya Dig?
You knew he beat on and whipped the women's asses he was with before you got in a relationship with him, what?, you thought he was gonna change?
You knew he was a womanizer, whorish and trifling before you made him your man, what?, you thought he was gonna change?
You knew he only cared about himself, pay no bills, doesn't do anything around the house or help with the children before you let him move in, what? you thought he was gonna change?
Mmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmm Ya Dig?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Bible Talk....
Keeping It Real: God mad Apples, Adam bit, Noah arked, Abraham split, Joseph ruled, Jacob fooled, Bush talked, Moses balked, Pharaoh plagued, People walked, Sea divided, Tablets guided, Promise landed, Saul freaked, David peeked, Prophets warned, Jesus born, God Walked, Love talked, Anger crucified, Hope died, Love rose, Spirit flamed, Word spread, God remained. May God Smile on you Today! Amen....Ya Dig?..
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Smell Tales
Keeping It Real: There are certain smells you CANNOT hide & people will know right off the bat, what they are, such as any fried fish smell, funky underarms, unwashed coochie, Victoria Secret's Pear Lotion & Spray, Onions & Garlic, Pine Sol & Good Ol' Jolly Rancher Green Apple! Ya Dig?...
Friday, December 09, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Some Lessons Of Life....
Keeping It Real:
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice
TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone. Ya Dig?
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice
TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone. Ya Dig?
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Twitter & Facebook Alerts
Keeping It Real: Correct me if I am wrong BUT FOLKS REALLY HAVE THEIR PHONES HOOKED UP TO BE ALERTED WHENEVER A PERSON POSTS, TWEET OR COMMENT? WHAT THE HELL???? I can understand MAYBE a business person trying to network BUT just a THIRSTY person with NO LIFE waiting on BEEP to see what has been said? Are you serious? All times of day & night, it could beep!!!! Four words for ya: GET A FUCKING LIFE! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Black Girls ROCK!!!
Keeping It Real: Yes we do, since the beginning of time! Harriet Tubman-escaped slave, Underground Railroad conductor, abolitionist, women's rights activist, spy, soldier. Sojourner Truth-lecturer, escaped slave, abolitionist, women's rights activist. Cicely Tyson-actress. Madam C J Walker-business executive, inventor. Ida B. Wells- journalist, activist. Oprah Winfrey-reporter, talk show host, business executive. Sarah Bartmann, Angela Davis, Coretta Scott King AND the list goes on and on...
You can find an ever-expanding list of resources for learning about famous African American women and other women of Black History. You'll find women who are famous and women who should be better-known, from early America and slavery to the 21st century, including the Harlem Renaissance and the civil rights movement here: Ya Dig?...
You can find an ever-expanding list of resources for learning about famous African American women and other women of Black History. You'll find women who are famous and women who should be better-known, from early America and slavery to the 21st century, including the Harlem Renaissance and the civil rights movement here: Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: I Wish Him/Her The Best...
Keeping It Real: When you break up with your man/woman and you say I only want the BEST for him/her, ARE YOU SAYING, YOU WEREN'T THE BEST? mmmmm hmmmmm food for thought! Ya Dig?...
Monday, December 05, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Child Support
Keeping It Real: I watched Real Housewives Of ATL last night and heard Sheree say, she didn't want to do anything RASH after 4 years of NOT GETTING any CHILD SUPPORT from her children's father who is an ex NFL player! Phaedra, even told her it would be FREE services, just say the words: file it!
I have heard some women say it just isn't worth the hassle or I don't want to be bothered! I don't have time to file....I say, HOW SELFISH IS THAT? The very women who don't have the time to file can sit for hours waiting to get their hair & nails done but NO PATIENCE or TIME to file for something that is rightfully THEIR CHILDREN? Again, I say how selfish is that? The very women who say, I don't want to be bothered BUT STILL WILL LAY UP WITH THE DEADBEAT! The very women who say, it is too much of a hassle, BUT DAY IN & OUT, they are struggling trying to make ends meet!
My ex took care of his children, I got child support and then some. To this day and they are adults, he still looks out for his children! Ya Dig?
I have heard some women say it just isn't worth the hassle or I don't want to be bothered! I don't have time to file....I say, HOW SELFISH IS THAT? The very women who don't have the time to file can sit for hours waiting to get their hair & nails done but NO PATIENCE or TIME to file for something that is rightfully THEIR CHILDREN? Again, I say how selfish is that? The very women who say, I don't want to be bothered BUT STILL WILL LAY UP WITH THE DEADBEAT! The very women who say, it is too much of a hassle, BUT DAY IN & OUT, they are struggling trying to make ends meet!
My ex took care of his children, I got child support and then some. To this day and they are adults, he still looks out for his children! Ya Dig?
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: God Sends Us Quiet Angels
Keeping It Real: I believe that God sends us quiet Angels who are true and real friends, that lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly! Ya Dig?
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Mrs., Ms. & Miss Etiquette
Keeping It Real: For those of you, who do not know..MRS. mean married, MS. mean was married and now divorced or widowed, MISS mean never married & MZ. is some made up slang shit! Ya Dig?...
Friday, December 02, 2011
Meijer Gallery Wrapped Canvas Print
Transfer your photos into works of art! I got a picture of me and my grand daughters and it came out just like the picture! I love the soft feel of the material and can't wait to find the idea spot to hang it! I took a photo that I wanted canvassed and went to Meijers photo kiosk and it was self explanatory! They had a scanner right next to computer and I was finished in under 12 minutes! Here is my finished product...
I am a Bzzagent and you can be one too at:
<img src="" alt=""/>
Lesson Of The Day: Good Man, Good Woman
Keeping It Real: They say behind every GOOD man is a Good woman! WRRRRRRONG, because a GOOD woman stands BESIDE her man and NOT BEHIND! Ya Dig?
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: The Meaning Of.....
Keeping It Real: Say what you mean and mean what you say, but you don't have to say it mean! Ya Dig?..
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: As An Adult, I Can't Tell You.....
Keeping It Real: I can't tell you, things last forever, because they don't. I can't tell you, everything will be okay, because, sometimes it won't. I can't tell you, to listen, because then you don't hear. I can't tell you when to speak, because then you lose your voice. I can't tell you, to be like me, because you will be a copy and not original. I can't tell you, what to see, because then you look with eyes wide shut. I can't tell you, how to behave, because, then you act a damn fool! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: A Dumb Ass Woman
Keeping It Real: What woman TAKES better care of her MAN'S children but not her own?, a dumb ass woman! What woman allows her man to rip and run but every time she leaves, she has to say where she is going, how long she will be gone, who is going with her and give the mileage on her car?, a dumb ass woman! What woman will be in a relationship for years & finds out her man is leaving her for another woman & tell you, that you wasn't nothing but a fuck buddy and you still take his calls?, a dumb ass woman! What woman dates a BIG BALLER but worries about her electric being turned off?, a dumb ass woman! What woman moves in with her boyfriend BUT he is staying with MOM?, a dumb ass woman! What woman that has been dating a RICH and or famous guy and she still LOOKS broke down?, a dumb ass woman! What woman KNOWINGLY allows her children to have sex in her house, smoke weed in her house, drink underage in her house and let her daughter's boyfriend move in and or spend the night?, she ain't dumb, she is trifling! Ya Dig?...
Monday, November 28, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Say No To Drama....
Keeping It Real: Don't entertain or indulge in other people's DRAMA, HATRED, IGNORANCE & GOSSIP, because when you do, it ONLY fuels them to say and or do more BUT WITHOUT an audience, their ratings will be low, next to none and or nil! Ya Dig?..
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Directions To My Spiritual Father's House...
Keeping It Real: Make a right onto Believeth Blvd. Keep straight and go thru the Green Light, which is Jesus Christ. From there you must turn onto the Bridge of Faith, which is over Troubled Waters. When you get off the bridge make a right turn and keep straight. You are on the King's Highway- Heavenly Bound. Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son and one for the Holy Ghost. Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there make a Right Turn on Gospel Lane. Keep straight and then make another Right Turn on Prayer Blvd. As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also avoid Sin Street because it is a Dead End. Pass up Envy Drive and Must Have Avenue. Also pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane and Backbiting Blvd. You do have to go down Long Suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd, Trials and Tribulations Ave. But that's alright, because Victory Blvd is straight ahead and once you see the Gold Pavement, with Big Billowy Clouds & The Pearly Gates....Smile, You Are At My Father's House! Be Blessed Ya Dig?...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Physical, Mental & Verbal Abuse
Keeping It Real: When you KNOW better, you do better, right? I don't feel sorry for NONE of those heffas or any other GROWN ass woman in REAL LIFE that SEES this type of mess manifesting and STILL tries to make excuses like the SHIT is going to get better. ITS NOT!! Wake your ass up NOW!! ESPECIALLY if you have children!
Your sons will learn to be abusers and your daughters will think its OK to be victims! SOMETIMES, this isn't true, but what REAL MOTHER even takes that chance?!
I learned at NINETEEN that a man shouldn't control your life and treat you like a damn dog that they own AND hate!! I only had to learn it ONCE!! Sure I had to move into the projects but look where I am NOW!! Its all by the Grace of God who just so happened to Bless me with the common sense that some women CHOOSE to ignore!
Why do I say CHOOSE to ignore?! Because He didn't give this common sense to ONLY me!! ALL women have it, some just don't USE it! And has anyone noticed that the man ALWAYS does whatever the HELL he wants and the woman STILL lets him control HER life?! WAKE UP!!
If I hadn't been there and CONQUERED that, I wouldn't have anything to say. Ya Dig?
If I hadn't been there and CONQUERED that, I wouldn't have anything to say. Ya Dig?
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: How People Perceive You....
Keeping It Real: Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery, sometimes, even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about what another person thinks of you and you'll be a lot happier and live longer! Say what I say, FUCK 'em! Ya Dig?...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Light vs Dark vs Brown Skin People
Keeping It Real: If you think like this, you have what I call a slave mentality and BOTTOMLINE: YOU ARE STILL BLACK! Dummy! Enough said! Ya Dig?..
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Traits Of A Good Man....
Keeping It Real: A good man is polite enough to open a door, smart enough to open a conversation, secure enough to open his mind, cares enough to hear what you said, eyes open enough so he really sees where you are coming from & loving enough to open his heart.Ya Dig?...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Single Friends & Married Couples
Keeping It Real: I almost always can find a topic from some ish that a person has said and or did from the internet! I am a Twitterer and Tyrese the singer/movie star tweeted that married folks... "Be careful hangin out with single friend.. Their advice may lead u to being single like them!!!" I have to disagree with him!
Why is that MOST MEN always have a problem with their ladies, single friends? Most women I know personally and over the internet always say my man don't want me hanging with my single friends? Why don't the woman say that? Most men are hounds and almost always try to impress their friends with I AM A BIG MAN! So why shouldn't the women say that about their single friends?
If you allow yourself to get caught up in something, how can that be blamed on a single friend and NOT the person who did it? If you allow a person married or single to give you advice about your relationship and you run with it, who is that on? What does it say about the man and your relationship if your man do not want you around single friends? Does he TRUST you? He can't, if he is worried that you being with your single friend is going to lead you astray! Sometimes, that single friend is who your man HAS HIS EYE on too and could be why he doesn't want her around!
I was married for 24 years and it wasn't my single friends giving me advice that made me get a divorce, it was HIM!!! 9 out of 10, that single FRIEND will be there for you, through thick and thin and also be there when the chips are down too! Ya Dig?..
Why is that MOST MEN always have a problem with their ladies, single friends? Most women I know personally and over the internet always say my man don't want me hanging with my single friends? Why don't the woman say that? Most men are hounds and almost always try to impress their friends with I AM A BIG MAN! So why shouldn't the women say that about their single friends?
If you allow yourself to get caught up in something, how can that be blamed on a single friend and NOT the person who did it? If you allow a person married or single to give you advice about your relationship and you run with it, who is that on? What does it say about the man and your relationship if your man do not want you around single friends? Does he TRUST you? He can't, if he is worried that you being with your single friend is going to lead you astray! Sometimes, that single friend is who your man HAS HIS EYE on too and could be why he doesn't want her around!
I was married for 24 years and it wasn't my single friends giving me advice that made me get a divorce, it was HIM!!! 9 out of 10, that single FRIEND will be there for you, through thick and thin and also be there when the chips are down too! Ya Dig?..
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Call On God....
Keeping It Real: So often when we encounter storms in our lives, we panic! We find ourselves venting and calling our friends and others crying and seeking sympathy!
I, now believe that when these storms come or when we see them coming we need to take that frustration and conversation to God, by getting on our prayer knees instead of posting on Facebook, Myspace & other sites or complaining to our friends!
God answers prayers!
Friends comfort, lick wounds and even keep it real but God answers prayers! God solves problems and has the real answers!!!
I like to encourage everybody to stop and start praying, instead of stopping and going to man. Stop and pray instead of calling and complaining! He will answer your prayers and calm your storm on his time! Amen Ya Dig?..
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Money....
Keeping It Real: Money will make some people think they are infallible & bigger than Thou. Some become so arrogant, disrespectful, unattainable, obnoxious & downright rude that they need a reality check, some need a swift kick in the ass back to reality, some need to be brought back to earth and then SOME need to be woke the hell up! It is the root of ALL evil...Ya Dig?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: I Didn't Say Or Do That...
Keeping It Real: When you use the Uerkel tag & the same goes for, it wasn't me, I wasn't there, I didn't do that! Why waste x amount of energy going back and forth about what you supposedly didn't say and or do?
I can understand getting upset because you are being lied on BUT to get so angry and pissed off is proving what? Just say I DIDN'T and keep it moving!
My opinion, a person who continues to fuel the fire at their OWN expense, too me, is saying, I did it BUT I didn't expect to hear it again or be found out! Ya feel me?
I can understand getting upset because you are being lied on BUT to get so angry and pissed off is proving what? Just say I DIDN'T and keep it moving!
My opinion, a person who continues to fuel the fire at their OWN expense, too me, is saying, I did it BUT I didn't expect to hear it again or be found out! Ya feel me?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Shacking Up....
Keeping It Real: Is it ok to shack up? How old is too old to shack up? Is there an age limit to shacking up? When is it wrong to shack up?
If he/she is already living with somebody, then it is clearly wrong to shack up with this person! If the person you are shacking up with LIVES with their MOTHER, it is clearly wrong to shack up! How do you have SOME good sex, if their mother is only a door away? LOL
How long do you shack up? Is there a time limit on when he asks you to marry him?, or do you anticipate getting a ring, since you already living as married folks!
Why do MOST women say after living with a man for over 5 years, marriage is only a PIECE OF PAPER? LIE!!! That is what the man has embedded in her mind as to her constant request of: when we getting married? He say, we already married, you my wife, we been LIVING TOGETHER for x amount of years, you wearing my engagement ring & some don't even get the engagement ring, so again, I ask, is it ok to shack up?
Ladies, beware, after more than 5 years of living together and he gives you a ring and says it is a FRIENDSHIP ring, after 5 years.......PACK YOUR SHIT & GO! Ya Dig?...
If he/she is already living with somebody, then it is clearly wrong to shack up with this person! If the person you are shacking up with LIVES with their MOTHER, it is clearly wrong to shack up! How do you have SOME good sex, if their mother is only a door away? LOL
How long do you shack up? Is there a time limit on when he asks you to marry him?, or do you anticipate getting a ring, since you already living as married folks!
Why do MOST women say after living with a man for over 5 years, marriage is only a PIECE OF PAPER? LIE!!! That is what the man has embedded in her mind as to her constant request of: when we getting married? He say, we already married, you my wife, we been LIVING TOGETHER for x amount of years, you wearing my engagement ring & some don't even get the engagement ring, so again, I ask, is it ok to shack up?
Ladies, beware, after more than 5 years of living together and he gives you a ring and says it is a FRIENDSHIP ring, after 5 years.......PACK YOUR SHIT & GO! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Open Letter To Idris Elba
Keeping It Real: One of my FAVORITE celebrities! He is THE JACK of all TRADES and one of the HARDEST working celeb in his field!
Here goes: My Dearest Idris,
The way you have portrayed your many characters had me simmering for years & I would just boil over at the mention of your name!!
My Driis passion started with your character Stringer Bell. Since the 1st day I watched The Wire and saw how you made the role Stringer Bell come to life, I was hooked!! As you starred in other roles you nailed each and every one, some were in depth and fast, others were slow and steady but each one was so satisfying. I loved watching you be the tough all about business brother from the hood in The Wire. Sometimes In April made ME destined for the motherland! Not only did you make me yearn for it, but you brought me with you on this journey to the other side of the world. Enlightening and filling me with the knowledge of the genocide that had taken place in this country!!
Why wouldn't I feel protected and safe with you leading the way and me hypnotized by the callous way you raise both eyebrows to the rubbing and twirling of your thumb in a circular motion against your 2 forefingers. I told you, I was HOOKED and a fan yet far from, very far from, a groupie!
Your London flavor and style says cool, accent, funky attire and all!! Confidence, arrogance, intensity, honesty, humor, integrity and generosity are some of the vibes I have picked up on you. I CAN SAY PLAIN AND SIMPLE "YOU ARE DOING THINGS and not BAD on the eyes as well!
As if I weren't already a captive audience to The Wire series because of Stringer Bell, my climax came when I heard your English accent during the interview of the making of Sometimes In April. I had no way of knowing that after watching you as Stringer Bell that this would be the 1st of many dates and that the attractions ( Stringer In Wire 1,2, & 3, Smitty in Soul Food, Paul in Girlfriends, Augustyn in Sometimes in April, Rev C. Frank in The Gospel, Monty in Daddy's Little Girls, and the list goes on) like you would get better and bigger each time. I will be waiting in line to get my tickets for movies you have coming out now & forever. I'll be sitting in the middle row, 4 rows from the front!
It's all about Idris Elba NOW and BabyLuv, you stroke my imagination from every angle possible, hitting my cinematic sweet spot just so. As a jack of all trades (Father, Music Artist, Rapper, Photographer, Producer, Son and DJ ) and most importantly your acting skills have made me holler with deep laughter, boo-hoo cry, cringe, think and most definitely swoon!!
You are strong and can withstand the elements, overcome the hard knocks & take judgments. You radiate when something is going on within you. It makes you shine with confidence and self-awareness, because it reaches way down and ignites your natural glow!!
Much Love, Congrats & Good Luck...You Already KNOW, I got your BACK!!!
So tell me WHY would you let FOLKS RUN YOU OFF Twitter? Ya Dig?....
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Flipping The Script On A Racist....
Keeping It Real: I was playing an online game and it involved chatting with other players while you played! This guy types in the chat box that Obama is a Porch monkey, now, I clearly and most definitely honor and love OUR president, so I say, well at least he HAS a house with a porch! He aint living in a trailer! He says Obama sucks, I say, I'm sure you, me and everybody in this game room has sucked something, ie: straws, lemons, mints! At this point, other gamers are laughing at him, so he says, well Blacks are stupid and violent and I say all Blacks are not stupid & violent, just like all whites are NOT smart and tamed and you have clearly proven that in here today! He signed off...LOL Ya Dig?...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Hear Me Roar...
Keeping It Real: Yes, I am woman. I push doors that clearly say PULL. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I'm laughing. I walk into a room and forget why I was there. I count on my fingers in math. I hide the pain from my loved ones more than what they think. I say it is a long story, when it really is not, just to get out of having to tell it. I cry a lot more than you think I do. I care about people who don't care about me. I am strong because I have to be, not because I want to be. I listen to you, even when you don't listen to me. And a hug will always help. Yes, I am woman!!!!!Hear ME ROAR! Ya Dig?...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: My Prayer
Keeping It Real: Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God, I Pray to You that You abundantly Bless my family and me. I know that You recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, children, cousins, aunts & uncles but all who believe and trust in You. Father, I send up a prayer request for Blessings for not only me & mine but for every person who reads this and that the Power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in You is more powerful than anything. I thank You in advance for Your Blessings. Amen...Ya Dig?..
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: He Who Is Without Sin, Throw The 1st Stone!
Keeping It Real: I'll WAIT!!! Ya Dig?...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Sexual Harassment
Keeping It Real: Sexual harassment, is intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.
Herman Cain is under fire for this very charge but my thing is, why wait 10 years to bring charges against him? OK, I understand, he is in the LIMELIGHT, so now these women want their 15 minutes of FAME! 10 years and what does it say about the women IF they were harassed that they would take money instead of pressing charges? Now they want to press charges! mmmm hmmmm Ya Dig?
Herman Cain is under fire for this very charge but my thing is, why wait 10 years to bring charges against him? OK, I understand, he is in the LIMELIGHT, so now these women want their 15 minutes of FAME! 10 years and what does it say about the women IF they were harassed that they would take money instead of pressing charges? Now they want to press charges! mmmm hmmmm Ya Dig?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: BasketBall Wives L.A. 11/07/2011
Keeping It Real: Jackie is losing it! I am sure while Doug was sitting at that table agreeing with his wife because he is supposed to have her back BUT after watching the events unfold, I know he is saying what the hell? Doug has to know his wife is a snake.
Jackie is flipping out! She is not telling the truth and why would all the women just say she said this and that and she didn't? Most of what she was doing & saying was broadcasted, will she be back for next years series?
Did you all see how she brought Malaysia into the convo and then totally flipped and said I wasn't talking to you? Because she saw that Malaysia wasn't a punk, hell, she should have known that when she gave Laurie the beatdown!
She is putting their shit on BLAST too! Did Gloria sleep with someone else? Y'all see, she never, batted an eye, blinked and or flinched when Jackie said that! Good girl, Gloria! LOL I know some are saying they do not want the drama, but why do they let her talk all that shit and just say nothing? When she is not around, Imani has a lot to say but in her presence, she is like a damn oyster trying to cling onto its pearl! Ya Dig?...
Jackie is flipping out! She is not telling the truth and why would all the women just say she said this and that and she didn't? Most of what she was doing & saying was broadcasted, will she be back for next years series?
Did you all see how she brought Malaysia into the convo and then totally flipped and said I wasn't talking to you? Because she saw that Malaysia wasn't a punk, hell, she should have known that when she gave Laurie the beatdown!
She is putting their shit on BLAST too! Did Gloria sleep with someone else? Y'all see, she never, batted an eye, blinked and or flinched when Jackie said that! Good girl, Gloria! LOL I know some are saying they do not want the drama, but why do they let her talk all that shit and just say nothing? When she is not around, Imani has a lot to say but in her presence, she is like a damn oyster trying to cling onto its pearl! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Real Housewives Of Atl 11/06/2011
Keeping It Real: Nene Leakes is in FULL EFFECT!! Somebody tell me, why she acts like a damn fool when she is on Bravo station but when she gets to the prime channel NBC, she was all mellowed out? What?, does she think it is ok to act a fool in front of Black people but white folks gets a pass from her BULLYING ass? In all honesty, sometimes I think Nene is psychotic! Why did she tell Sheree' that she has the problem and not her? I truly believe Nene went behind her back and said what dude said she did! Why?, because she kept on over talking him and then instead of trying to resolve it, SHE LEAVES!! hahahahahaha Those tears she were shedding, was straight BS!! How in the hell are you helping your grown ass son by buying him a car? ENABLER!!!!
Sheree told Nene right and I truly believe that Sheree would give Nene a run for her money! She aint all GLAM, y'all! SHE IS FROM CLEVELAND and I know those women do not play! They will get in your ass! LOL Like she said, choke her, put your hands around her neck! Sorry, Sheree, those tactics are saved for the women she know she has a handle on! LOL She don't want none! Please believe!
And can somebody please TELL ME WHY Kim is on this show? 1st of all, she is WHITE and is not MARRIED!! All the other Housewife shows they have, the only integrated one is ATL! Yeah, I know, there was the DC one, but it has been canceled and BH, Orange, NJ and the rest have ONLY white women, why couldn't they have stuck her ass on one of them shows? WRONG, but that's Bravo for ya!! Ya Dig?...
Sheree told Nene right and I truly believe that Sheree would give Nene a run for her money! She aint all GLAM, y'all! SHE IS FROM CLEVELAND and I know those women do not play! They will get in your ass! LOL Like she said, choke her, put your hands around her neck! Sorry, Sheree, those tactics are saved for the women she know she has a handle on! LOL She don't want none! Please believe!
And can somebody please TELL ME WHY Kim is on this show? 1st of all, she is WHITE and is not MARRIED!! All the other Housewife shows they have, the only integrated one is ATL! Yeah, I know, there was the DC one, but it has been canceled and BH, Orange, NJ and the rest have ONLY white women, why couldn't they have stuck her ass on one of them shows? WRONG, but that's Bravo for ya!! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Condoms....
Keeping It Real: A condom is a barrier device most commonly used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of PREGNANCY and spreading SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD). It is put on a man's erect PENIS and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner.
Why are SO many women and men NOT using this device? Justin Bieber is on the news with a supposed love child! Idris Elba, one of my favorite entertainers was recently MISLED into believing he fathered a child by a Billie Jean! Why are people and ESPECIALLY celebrities NOT using the very thing that not only can prevent getting a person pregnant BUT ALSO MIGHT SAVE YOUR DAMN LIFE?
No glove, no love, no latex NO SEX! They have diseases that you can carry around for the rest of your life LIKE LUGGAGE! Ya Dig?...
Why are SO many women and men NOT using this device? Justin Bieber is on the news with a supposed love child! Idris Elba, one of my favorite entertainers was recently MISLED into believing he fathered a child by a Billie Jean! Why are people and ESPECIALLY celebrities NOT using the very thing that not only can prevent getting a person pregnant BUT ALSO MIGHT SAVE YOUR DAMN LIFE?
No glove, no love, no latex NO SEX! They have diseases that you can carry around for the rest of your life LIKE LUGGAGE! Ya Dig?...
idris elba,
justin bieber,
Monday, November 07, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Girl vs. Woman
Keeping It Real: Girls want to control the man in their life. Grown Women know that if he's truly hers, he doesn't need controlling. Girls check you for not calling them. Grown women are too busy to realize you hadn't. Girls are afraid to be alone. Grown women revel in it using it as a time for personal growth. Girls ignore the good guys. Grown women ignore the bad guys. Girls make you come home. Grown women make you want to come home. Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans. Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fit in. Girls worry about not being pretty and or good enough for their man. Grown women know that they are pretty and good enough for any man. Girls try to monopolize all their man's time (i.e., don't want him hanging with his friends). Grown women realize that a lil' bit of space makes the 'together time' even more special-and goes to kick it with her own friends. Girls think a guy crying is weak. Grown women offer their shoulder and a tissue. Girls want to be spoiled and 'tell' their man so. Grown women 'show' him and make him comfortable enough to reciprocate without fear of losing his 'manhood'. Girls get hurt by one man and make all men pay for it. Grown women know that was just one man. Girls fall in love and chase aimlessly after the object of their affection, ignoring all 'signs'. Grown women know that sometimes the one you love, don't always love you back-and move on, without bitterness. Girls will read this and get an attitude. Grown women will read this and pass it on to other Grown women and their male friends! Time for the Big Girl Panties, put them on! Ya Dig?...
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: My Prayer For You Today......
Keeping It Real: The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hands that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever. I want you to remain in God's love. Have a lovely journey of life! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will never fail you because He is Awesome! Father God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt burdens. Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me Father, for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk in Your Word and have the faith of a mustard seed that You will pour out blessings. I thank You now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen...Ya Dig?
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Stronger Than You Think.....
Keeping It Real: I learned you have to HURT in order to KNOW pain, FALL in order to Get Back Up, LOSE in order to GAIN, Plant some seeds in order to Grow, Listen before you speak, Know before you say it, because you never know how Strong you are until being Strong is the only option you have! Ya Dig?...
Friday, November 04, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: To You.....
Keeping It Real: You know what's beautiful? Read the FIRST word of the question, again. Ya Dig?...
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: BasketBall Wives L.A. 10/31/2011
Keeping It Real: JACKIE is so full of shit! She is messy and a shit starter! Did I say, Jackie is full of shit? I cannot believe she has gotten her high seditty ass on national TV and made a mockery of herself, the women she is around and her hubby! Am I missing something?, isn't Doug, BLACK? What is with this white is right crap? I cannot believe how this series is unfolding! She is what you call a 2 faced, lying ass hoodrat, wannabe white, high seditty ass KNEEGROW! OK!!! She is so paranoid, wanting to know what was said, WATCH THE DAMN SHOW like us, heffa, because you know, you are the ROOT of all the bad things being said! Trifling ass!! Did I mention she is full of bullshit? Another thing with her classless ass, it is converse, not conversate and WHEN DID PIG become CHICKEN? Big ass pig LAID out on the table and you said, you thought it was chicken? Pork tastes nothing like damn chicken! Mmmm hmmmm
Imani, I am so glad you FINALLY talked with Laurie. How dare you FOLLOW the LEADER! Wow, grow a mind, it is the best thing to do!
Where is Malaysia's husband? We have seen everybody that has a partner but her hubby! She is losing her weight, nicely! GO girl!!!
Laurie, I have to agree with Draya, if you do not like her, quit faking the funk! No more phony ass hugs, smiles, how you doing shit! She knows it, WE KNOW it, so act like you know it! OK!! Ya Dig?...
Imani, I am so glad you FINALLY talked with Laurie. How dare you FOLLOW the LEADER! Wow, grow a mind, it is the best thing to do!
Where is Malaysia's husband? We have seen everybody that has a partner but her hubby! She is losing her weight, nicely! GO girl!!!
Laurie, I have to agree with Draya, if you do not like her, quit faking the funk! No more phony ass hugs, smiles, how you doing shit! She knows it, WE KNOW it, so act like you know it! OK!! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: The Rain...
Keeping It Real: Sometimes you have to walk IN THE rain, to weather the storm! How can you go through life issues?, if ya never got wet! Ya Dig?..
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Iron Chef America, Super Chefs
Keeping It Real: They are searching for a NEW Iron Chef for the Food Network Channel! Let's see, they have Mario Batali, Bobby Flay, Marc Forgione, Jose Garces, Masaharu Morimoto, Wolfgang Puck, Michael Symon & Cat Cora, all of whom are NON Black and GREAT CHEFS!
What is missing out of this equation? = Marcus Samuelsson, one of the best Black Chefs, who also won the Top Chef Masters show & the James Beard award! Come on Iron Chef America, it is time to add your 1st Black Iron Chef to the roster! Ya Dig?...
What is missing out of this equation? = Marcus Samuelsson, one of the best Black Chefs, who also won the Top Chef Masters show & the James Beard award! Come on Iron Chef America, it is time to add your 1st Black Iron Chef to the roster! Ya Dig?...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Watch What Happens TV Show W/ Kandi & Tyrese
Keeping It Real: Was it me?, or did everyone see Tyrese slide his hand alongside Kandi's thigh and hip when he was asked by Andy, if he had his paddle to play, the Bweave It game? I know, I know, what he and maybe others might say, he was looking for his paddle, BUT what made him believe the paddle was on the side of HER chair and NOT HIS? OK? He didn't even check his seat 1st, he went straight to her thighs! Mmmmm, Hmmm paddle for thought, right? LOL
Also, why did he NOT want it known he is in a relationship? Tyrese, you are not the 1st and will not be the last celebrity, who is in relationship, have a girl, woman and or wife! Thing is, if your fans TRULY LOVE YOU, then they love you with or without a companion! We all KNOW Tyrese has to have a life and you are a GROWN, SEXY man, why wouldn't you be involved? If they cannot understand that, then that's on them!
No offense to you Tyrese, but Kandi, I think is too much woman for you! You couldn't handle her and I don't mean, sexually! Ya Dig?
Also, why did he NOT want it known he is in a relationship? Tyrese, you are not the 1st and will not be the last celebrity, who is in relationship, have a girl, woman and or wife! Thing is, if your fans TRULY LOVE YOU, then they love you with or without a companion! We all KNOW Tyrese has to have a life and you are a GROWN, SEXY man, why wouldn't you be involved? If they cannot understand that, then that's on them!
No offense to you Tyrese, but Kandi, I think is too much woman for you! You couldn't handle her and I don't mean, sexually! Ya Dig?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Power Of Praying
Keeping It Real: When you pray, it feels as if you have been granted a million bucks. So, to me, it is worth every second that I pray and only God Knows how much a prayer weighs and its worth!
Do me a favor, just stop right now, and say a prayer of thanks for your own good fortune. I believe if you pray in faith, you will receive what you need God to do in you and your families' life .
Please believe, my people, trust God to heal the sick, provide food for the hungry, clothes and shelter for those that don't have as many do.
Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards.
May you always walk with Angels, Ya Dig?.... God Bless
Do me a favor, just stop right now, and say a prayer of thanks for your own good fortune. I believe if you pray in faith, you will receive what you need God to do in you and your families' life .
Please believe, my people, trust God to heal the sick, provide food for the hungry, clothes and shelter for those that don't have as many do.
Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards.
May you always walk with Angels, Ya Dig?.... God Bless
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Quality NOT Quantity....
Keeping It Real: Quantity of Associates does not mean anything to me, but Quality of the people that you can say are FRIENDS means EVERYTHING! Ya Dig?....
Friday, October 28, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Momma Said......
Keeping It Real: Momma said, go outside and cut me a switch to WHIP YOUR ASS WITH! Momma said, I will beat the skin off your ass! Momma said, you better beat the streetlights home! Momma said, I'm going to get you for the old and the new! Momma said, hand me that remote, after getting up and coming to door, yelling out your name for you to come inside and give it to her! Momma said, I will slap the taste out of your mouth! Momma said, I will put my foot so far up your ass! Momma said, I will knock your damn brains out! Momma said, you know, you on punishment until the next report card comes out, for getting that F. Momma said, I wish the hell you would! Momma said, I will knock the black off of you! Momma said, I will beat you til kingdom comes! Momma said, if you do not fight back, just know, you will be fighting me, when you get here! Momma said, you too fast (girl) and you too mannish (boy)! Momma said, make sure you keep your pocketbook, washed & clean. Momma said, don't let them boys put no bug in your ear! LOL Ya Dig?....
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: America's Next Top Model/Bianca & Shannon
Keeping It Real: What in the hell is wrong with Bianca? Has her head gotten so BIG, that she has lost sight of what she is there for? She is tooooooooooooo good to do certain things and then compares herself to Beyonce & Rihanna! Is she fucking serious? Honestly, I haven't seen her GRACE the cover of ANY mags and damn sure haven't seen her in any editorials or advertisements! I did see her on Project Runway, as one of the models BUT damn, that is it! She was cut from last night episode, but her behavior throughout the All Stars show has been obnoxious and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top! baby, please!! She better hope, she get jobs after this little stunt! Goodness and Geesh!!
What is Shannon ON? Everybody KNOWS she is a Christian BUT when you model, you are subject to all sorts of things! It is evident, she only wants to be a mediocre model, otherwise, she would loosen up. She doesn't want to wear anything revealing, but she will wear a 2 pc bathing suit, because it looks like swimwear and not underwear! HUH? Last time, I checked, bikinis can be mistaken for underwear and vice versa! She needs to stop playing and give that spot up for somebody who is not faking the funk! Ya Dig?...
What is Shannon ON? Everybody KNOWS she is a Christian BUT when you model, you are subject to all sorts of things! It is evident, she only wants to be a mediocre model, otherwise, she would loosen up. She doesn't want to wear anything revealing, but she will wear a 2 pc bathing suit, because it looks like swimwear and not underwear! HUH? Last time, I checked, bikinis can be mistaken for underwear and vice versa! She needs to stop playing and give that spot up for somebody who is not faking the funk! Ya Dig?...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: For Colored Girls Only Movie...
When I first heard of the movie "For Colored Girls" I got so excited.. I had the idea of getting as many women together that I could think of to go see this movie. I had visions of group discussions and moments shared with one another that would lead to healing and growth, I guess I kind of imagined a Women's Empowerment Conference type of setting.
Well after I shared my idea with a few women, reality set in and I realized that so many of us wouldn't be willing to participate for various reasons: You don't like me, you don't care for somebody I might invite, you only hang out with certain people, you don't understand the big deal about Tyler Perry making yet another movie about black people and our issues for all the world to see, you don't like crowds, so-n-so is too ghetto, such and such is too uppity etc... It has ALWAYS amazed me that we as black women are each others biggest critics. We are the quickest to bring each other down, find each others faults and nit pick at a sister until she has nothing left, nothing left to give and then we step over her and call her worthless. We take the prettiest women and tear them down for thinking "they are cute" but turn around and dog the average sista because "she know she should take better care of herself than that - can't believe she got a man!" We call strong women female dogs and accuse weaker women of riding somebody else coat tails. We tell a big sista to put down her burger and turn around and criticize a skinny woman for not picking one up. We ride the loud mouth woman for "talking to darn much" and likewise torment the quiet woman for "Being too quiet and needing to take up for herself" Sad part is we don't discriminate, we talk about everybody!!!
I've watched women dog out everybody from Oprah for catering to white people and Halle Berry for not being able to keep a man to young Willow Smith for acting to darn grown in her recent video. All of these females are successful and there is something about each one of them to be proud of but a lot of us can't seem to see that. I have to wonder since we all share a common thread (whether we want to admit it or not) is there something about ourselves that we don't like, what has happened to us that we cannot seem to get along. Why is that we fight amongst ourselves, backstab & steal each others men (only to find out we should have left him where we found him). We cannot seem to be unified to support and stick up for one another. Everybody seems to be out for themselves while other groups unite against us but nobody else has to bring us down because we trample on the spirits of each other daily.
Even if you live in a mini mansion, drive a luxury car, have good credit, rich handsome husband etc, this does not mean that should look down your nose at the woman with 4 kids, no husband, living in income based housing struggling to keep her lights on. We ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, I had a woman who's child father is MIA tell me that I should never complain because I receive a decent amount of child support and I laughed and let her know that I would gladly give every dime back if he would come relieve some of this overwhelming pressure of feeling inadequate as a parent. If I could get just one full night of sleep or not always be on the verge of losing my job because I'm the one that has to call off or leave work for one reason or another to accommodate my child - yeah he could DEFINITELY have his money if I could have some peace! Money alone doesn't make you happy (not true happiness), good credit doesn't keep you satisfied, beauty doesn't make you any less insecure, fame doesn't make you less vulnerable or cause you to be a good judge of character and being stuck up and mean doesn't keep you warm at night or prevent you from being lonely.
You don't know how the sista sitting right next to could have carefully put on her make up this morning to hide the beating from last night. The teacher you handed your child over to this morning could have sent her children off to school from a dark house with empty bellies. The teller you just got rude with at the bank could know that today is her last day on her job and have no idea how she is going to survive past next weekend. The sista at the office that appears so busy could be typing her goodbyes to all the people that she loves because she plans to blow her brains out tonight after she tucks her babies into bed. The woman you pass in the hallway could be on her way to have an abortion because she fears what others might think or how the woman that sent you this e-mail may drink an over abundance of alcohol every night to mask the nightmares of an abusive childhood.
Ladies we HAVE TO DO BETTER!!! I'm not suggesting that we all like each other and be phony, but I am asking that we all try to respect each other. You HAVE NO IDEA what the next woman is going through, you don't know what past or current hurt and pains have shaped her into who she is today. We spend so much time trying to be as strong and hard as we are expected to be that we end up cracking from the inside out piece by piece.. If we would spend 1/3 of the time we spend tearing each other down to build someone up, encourage someone, show someone some love, we could truly make a difference and save someone's life. PLEASE don't be the straw that breaks another woman's back. Believe me when I tell you that there is a woman out there that needs your smile, your hug, your support, your prayer.
I hope that you read this and get something out of it other than a laugh and that you pass this on to as many women as you can to let someone know that you believe they are somebody special and that if need be you are available to listen. Nothing bad is going to happen if you don't forward this note, but I'd like to think that something positive will happen if you choose to pass it along. May favor be extended to each and every one of your lives, keep your head up and know that someone somewhere cares!!! Ya Dig?...
Well after I shared my idea with a few women, reality set in and I realized that so many of us wouldn't be willing to participate for various reasons: You don't like me, you don't care for somebody I might invite, you only hang out with certain people, you don't understand the big deal about Tyler Perry making yet another movie about black people and our issues for all the world to see, you don't like crowds, so-n-so is too ghetto, such and such is too uppity etc... It has ALWAYS amazed me that we as black women are each others biggest critics. We are the quickest to bring each other down, find each others faults and nit pick at a sister until she has nothing left, nothing left to give and then we step over her and call her worthless. We take the prettiest women and tear them down for thinking "they are cute" but turn around and dog the average sista because "she know she should take better care of herself than that - can't believe she got a man!" We call strong women female dogs and accuse weaker women of riding somebody else coat tails. We tell a big sista to put down her burger and turn around and criticize a skinny woman for not picking one up. We ride the loud mouth woman for "talking to darn much" and likewise torment the quiet woman for "Being too quiet and needing to take up for herself" Sad part is we don't discriminate, we talk about everybody!!!
I've watched women dog out everybody from Oprah for catering to white people and Halle Berry for not being able to keep a man to young Willow Smith for acting to darn grown in her recent video. All of these females are successful and there is something about each one of them to be proud of but a lot of us can't seem to see that. I have to wonder since we all share a common thread (whether we want to admit it or not) is there something about ourselves that we don't like, what has happened to us that we cannot seem to get along. Why is that we fight amongst ourselves, backstab & steal each others men (only to find out we should have left him where we found him). We cannot seem to be unified to support and stick up for one another. Everybody seems to be out for themselves while other groups unite against us but nobody else has to bring us down because we trample on the spirits of each other daily.
Even if you live in a mini mansion, drive a luxury car, have good credit, rich handsome husband etc, this does not mean that should look down your nose at the woman with 4 kids, no husband, living in income based housing struggling to keep her lights on. We ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, I had a woman who's child father is MIA tell me that I should never complain because I receive a decent amount of child support and I laughed and let her know that I would gladly give every dime back if he would come relieve some of this overwhelming pressure of feeling inadequate as a parent. If I could get just one full night of sleep or not always be on the verge of losing my job because I'm the one that has to call off or leave work for one reason or another to accommodate my child - yeah he could DEFINITELY have his money if I could have some peace! Money alone doesn't make you happy (not true happiness), good credit doesn't keep you satisfied, beauty doesn't make you any less insecure, fame doesn't make you less vulnerable or cause you to be a good judge of character and being stuck up and mean doesn't keep you warm at night or prevent you from being lonely.
You don't know how the sista sitting right next to could have carefully put on her make up this morning to hide the beating from last night. The teacher you handed your child over to this morning could have sent her children off to school from a dark house with empty bellies. The teller you just got rude with at the bank could know that today is her last day on her job and have no idea how she is going to survive past next weekend. The sista at the office that appears so busy could be typing her goodbyes to all the people that she loves because she plans to blow her brains out tonight after she tucks her babies into bed. The woman you pass in the hallway could be on her way to have an abortion because she fears what others might think or how the woman that sent you this e-mail may drink an over abundance of alcohol every night to mask the nightmares of an abusive childhood.
Ladies we HAVE TO DO BETTER!!! I'm not suggesting that we all like each other and be phony, but I am asking that we all try to respect each other. You HAVE NO IDEA what the next woman is going through, you don't know what past or current hurt and pains have shaped her into who she is today. We spend so much time trying to be as strong and hard as we are expected to be that we end up cracking from the inside out piece by piece.. If we would spend 1/3 of the time we spend tearing each other down to build someone up, encourage someone, show someone some love, we could truly make a difference and save someone's life. PLEASE don't be the straw that breaks another woman's back. Believe me when I tell you that there is a woman out there that needs your smile, your hug, your support, your prayer.
I hope that you read this and get something out of it other than a laugh and that you pass this on to as many women as you can to let someone know that you believe they are somebody special and that if need be you are available to listen. Nothing bad is going to happen if you don't forward this note, but I'd like to think that something positive will happen if you choose to pass it along. May favor be extended to each and every one of your lives, keep your head up and know that someone somewhere cares!!! Ya Dig?...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Online Beneficiary Scams
Keeping It Real: This is almost like the BANK SCAMS except they send you a long drawn out letter explaining that, somebody had their money and they had to escape from God knows where and the person died and they have to get money out before government takes it! They go on to explain, they are broke & destitute and the money is rightfully theirs and they will split it with you! LOL & hahahahahahahaha
1st thing, if they broke & destitute, how in the hell, do they have internet, let alone, access to a phone and or computer? How in the hell, did they get my email address?
Most of these emails come from the UK and or African countries! What's up with that b/s? They prey on unsuspecting people, to get their information and then BAM, you are sucked in, gotten and left scratching your damn head!
Again, folks, if you have older parents/grandparents, Please Make Them Aware Of These Scams!! Ya Dig?....
1st thing, if they broke & destitute, how in the hell, do they have internet, let alone, access to a phone and or computer? How in the hell, did they get my email address?
Most of these emails come from the UK and or African countries! What's up with that b/s? They prey on unsuspecting people, to get their information and then BAM, you are sucked in, gotten and left scratching your damn head!
Again, folks, if you have older parents/grandparents, Please Make Them Aware Of These Scams!! Ya Dig?....
Monday, October 24, 2011
Lesson Of The Day: Online Bank Scams
You are receiving this notification to update your account data.
Please confirm your details so we can update your account profile with our new security rules:
Confirm your account today
Want to confirm this email is from Wells Fargo? Sign in to your Online Banking and go to your mail.
Keeping It Real: I do NOT have a bank account with Wells Fargo and NEVER have! These notices (one above) come into my email account, almost everyday, with different bank names, in hopes of one day, sending me my correct bank name!
Am I stupid enough to click link and log into my account from one of these emails? HELL NO BUT we have some unsuspecting folks that will do just that! Banks and credit companies never send you information through your email to verify and update your account info, you can do that yourself by logging into your account from a secure internet browser!
People, especially, the ones with older parents/grandparents who use the internet, PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE SCAMS! Ya Dig?....
Please confirm your details so we can update your account profile with our new security rules:
Confirm your account today
Want to confirm this email is from Wells Fargo? Sign in to your Online Banking and go to your mail.
Keeping It Real: I do NOT have a bank account with Wells Fargo and NEVER have! These notices (one above) come into my email account, almost everyday, with different bank names, in hopes of one day, sending me my correct bank name!
Am I stupid enough to click link and log into my account from one of these emails? HELL NO BUT we have some unsuspecting folks that will do just that! Banks and credit companies never send you information through your email to verify and update your account info, you can do that yourself by logging into your account from a secure internet browser!
People, especially, the ones with older parents/grandparents who use the internet, PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE SCAMS! Ya Dig?....
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